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AF9 Lip Sync Issues Sky Q/Sonos Beam

AF9 Lip Sync Issues Sky Q/Sonos Beam

  • Trying to get some resolution to ongoing lip sync issues with my SkyQ/AF/Sonos Beam system. SkyQ goes into HDMI 1, which is set to enhanced, and is configured for Dolby Digital for the audio output via HMDI. The Sonos  beam is connected to eARC and the digital out output is set to Dolby Digital on the AF9.


To get close to acceptable lip sync I have to set the TV dialog sync setting to its max in the sonos app. Even then it isn’t quite right and what is more it varies over time. Can be watching one minute and it is acceptable, 30 minutes later it is noticeably out.


Watch SkyQ or AF9 internal sources on TV speaker and lip sync is fine. Watch Sky Q or TV sources using Sonos Beam and problem is the same on both. So to my simplistic mind it appears to be an issue with the way the AF9 is putting audio into the eARC signal. Or a config issue.


Any suggestions.


I could give it a go but am a little fed up with factory resting the TV. Have done it multiple times as a suggested fix for Wi-Fi disconnecting. And a couple of times for lip sync.

It has never actually achieved anything in my personal experience.
Community Team

I understand, I wouldn't tell you if I didn't know that it usually works specially after an update. Let us know when you do.