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Sony KD55XF9005 TV turned off channel changes in tuning and signal is lost or very weak for Freeview

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Sony KD55XF9005 TV turned off channel changes in tuning and signal is lost or very weak for Freeview

Just purchased Sony KD55XF9005 and happy with everything except tuning only had it a few days but if I can’t sort this issues it’s going back for a refund unfortunately.


I setup the TV and auto tuned digital TV all fine but needed to tweak the HD tuning as signal was to weak on the auto tune.


Home/settings/channel setup/digital setup/digital tuning (this is the menu path to digital manual tuning)


LNA (CH 28) no signal for HD channels which is what auto tuning selected so I looked up the nearest transmitter and got the channel information needed which is channel 41 so I select that scan up and the HD channels are displayed signal level 96, signal quality 100 all working great so I store the channels and it’s all working great. If I turn the TV off for any longer than about 10 minutes or so and then turn it back on the signal for the HD channels is lost or very poor quality that keeps breaking up, so I follow the menu path again and the channel number is auto changed back to channel number 28 from 41 even though I saved the settings after manual tuning, done this several times now and everytime TV is turned off for 10 minutes or more it keeps resetting back to channel 28 which is not providing a string enough signal, why are my changes from channel 41 changing when the TV is off? Because if this keeps happening I have to retune everytime I turn the TV off which is unacceptable and will result in sending back for a refund which I’d prefer not to do.


Hi there,


Welcome to the community. 

We will check this and update you when we find out more. Meanwhile, some other members may have some tips to share.


Best wishes,


Hi Random.guy,


Have you made sure that the TV's software is up to date? You can find a link to install the latest software update here: Also, I found this article on the Sony website:, if you can try the steps and let us know if it works?




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High, did you ever get a resolution for this problem? I have recently bought a 32" Bravia and am have a similar concern in that every time I switch off I have to do a retune?
Community Team

Hey Neverbloobloo, which model do you have? Have you checked the aerial connection?