XD9305 - Loss of all power

XD9305 - Loss of all power

Hi - Has anyone experienced a loss of power on the new XD9305?  Having switched TV off as normal yesterday, it is now dead.I have checked power and I have checked fuse - a 10Amp one and still nothing.I have also tried the button at the back and the remote ( and changed batteries).


Very frustrating as having bought the latest TV Sony have out ( in June), less than 6 months later TV is dead.

239 REPLIES 239

I too have a similar issue with 65"

Switched TV off the night before, no issues.

Tonight tried to switch TV on no lights etc etc.

Bought the TV from Costco in July last year so have contacted their concierge, because the TV is under a year old they are going to contact Sony on my behalf.

Have had several TV's over the past years from Panasonic to Pioneer (which are both still working to this day) to Sony, which I sent back with backlight cloud issues when full 1080p led came on the market.

Spent several months looking to jump to a 4K TV and bought this Model because it was getting great reviews.....thought I would give them a second chance but wished I hadn't bothered now.

Will see how long it takes to get fixed......feeling aggrieved..... 



Mine has gone after 9 months.


Got my 55" xd93 September 1st and three days ago it failed to turn on. Being put through the repair procedure and waiting for a replacement board to arrive before engineer comes to fix.


Do you lose all your picture settings with the repair?






I didn't lose any settings when my TV was returned after the repair.

I didn't lose any settings when my TV was returned after the repair.

All my settings were still there.:slight_smile:



Morning Guy's


I've also got the same problem on my KD-55XD9305, switched it off Tuesday night came in from work Wednesday evening and its dead!!!. Took external power supply to shop that worked fine and they passed me over to Sony (5 year guarntee) well what a carry on, ended up going to customer relations dept before they finally got the repair centre to register the claim. 


The repair centre said it would be about 10 days before they will call me ref: fitting parts (they havent even been out, so how do they know what parts) to say that i'm really annoyed is under statement. So this is what I'm doing.


I purchased this TV last May £1'990 top of the range I was told well for that money I dont expect a product to fail and looking at all the reviews its a commom fault and the TV isnt fit for purpose. Plus even with the repair done there are too many 2nd/3rd time failures so they have really fixed the issue.


So I've issued the Retailer/Sony County Court summons for the value of my TV plus cost and the indepdent inspection I will have done. We shouldnt be expected to accept repairs on products which are top of the range and sold as top quality!! Its disgraceful!!!!! Sony know there's an issue and do noing i.e recall


I'll keep you update!!




I will be very interested to hear what happens next.


i agree with you.


my set failed last Sunday and so I reported it last Monday. 7 days later and I emailed the repair company who said they are still awaiting the part so not sure it will only be 10days




I'm not accept repaired on a TV which is only 1 year old, I've never had this happen in my entire life. Sony hide behind there large corporate organisation and I'm not going to send letters and waste my time trying to get them too see sense. 


You will find by issuing county court summons to a business you get there attendance very quickly and they generaly never want to go to court as it set a set a precedent on there products.


For this case its the best £100 quid I've spent!!!, I emailed them a copy of the summons friday as promised to there customer relations dept bet they thought I was all talk.









If you can prove that the product was faulty from day one and designed wrong you get get full refund within reasonable amount of time. This will depend on the Judge I wouldn't bother arguing with Sony or the retailer just issue summons and let the judge decided.


In this new age of consumer rights, treating customers fairly you'd win. The tables have changed on companies now plus it feels nice to win!!



Its worth a go, I'm going to send everything over to BBC Watchdog there show starts soon.