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XH9505 Motion flow problem with judder
Hi everyone I hope its okay to make a new thread about this.
The problem is I bought the TV a month ago and while watching native TV apps like Netflix and Disney plus there was a judder present but after researching online found the fix for this was to set motion flow to custom and put smoothing to min and clearness to min and I kind of forgot what the other setting is called cinemaflow? and put this to auto.
After these changes everything was perfectly smooth and no judder at all but after about a week I noticed the judder had came back so I went to settings and found out now with having the settings both on min it produces a bad judder and the only way to get it watchable is to put motion flow on auto but the picture is still not as smooth as the min min used to be.
I reset the TV to factory settings but the custom min min settings still produce the bad judder. I also bought a Sony sound bar a few weeks ago and I thought maybe this had been the problem but after the factory reset and just using the TV speakers the same happened.
Thanks for reading hope someone can help.
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It can be possible that you are too much sensible to the inherent judder of 24p movies and may want to prefer some Soap Opera Effect activating interpolation. Having an OLED panel much more fast response compared to LCD it may seems more apparent to you (since being slower an LCD leave some more blur that help combatting the judder of a low frame video)
PS: doesn't apply, we are talking about XH95 ...
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Does that happen on the latest software version for you as well? @b14ajc
Also, do you see the same judder when not using Netflix Calibrated mode? Or using any other app or source for content?
- JD
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I did consider an OLED but read a lot about motion problems with those like it was a hidden secret. I also read Sony is the leader in motion, hence going for the 9505. I don’t suppose it matters but mines the 75”, I know the 49” in this line up is slightly different but presume all others are the same. I’ve got the latest software and everything judders unless I have it on Custom Smoothness Max. Clearness on any setting doesn’t seem to help but of course with this level of smoothness you get the artefacts then instead of judder . The thing is when you’re wife says what’s up with the tele, that’s when I’m starting to believe it’s not that I’m super sensitive to it, there’s something up. When we got it out the box we put Disney plus, Coco on, I was told it would be epic, instantly my wife said why does it look so bad (juddery) n I said I just need to play with the settings. That can’t be normal, if she’d have bought the tele there is no way she would be tweaking the settings. You don’t have to be “geeky” to own these tv’s.
this is why I’m lost with it. I feel like saying to Richer Sounds can someone please come round and tell me there is something up with this tele. When you’re at the cinema it’s blurry, it’s not Juddery.
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sorry John I didn’t really elaborate then…
I have Sky Q UHD, Netflix 4K, Disney + and Prime Video.
On all sources, on all apps, no matter what settings I choose the motion is bad for everything, no matter HDR10, Dolby Vision, 1080i, 1080p, 2160p.
I will get the odd program, so like the football on BBC One the other day was amazing. Even with custom smoothness on min, motion was excellent. However turn over to ITV HD and what it was, was unwatchable unless smoothness was on full. I basically can’t watch anything without being distracted by judder or artefacts because I’ve got the smoothness on full.
One of the biggest bug bares was out of the box viewing was terrible and Netflix calibrated mode is unwatchable. Rightly or wrongly that was a selling feature. I just can’t believe a boardroom of technicians has sat down and said yeah that looks great. Again that’s why I believe I’ve got a faulty unit.
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Can I just ask a general question, does anyone else get judder with Netflix calibrated mode enabled or is it just me? Again, I just want to point out other members of my family can see it too, I’m not a sensitive anomaly.
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Motionflow and similar options are the cause of judder, not the cure for it.
Such settings are also known to contribute to the undesirable soap opera effect.
Disable motionflow and ensure film mode is set to high.
Less processing, not more.
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Cheers for the info but I’ve tried all settings to no joy. No matter the settings I either have judder, or artefacts from the over smoothing. Also film mode on my tv is either Auto or Low, it doesn’t have high.
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Out of curiosity, please try the game mode preset.
This will not only have all unnecessary processing turned off by default, anything that may run in the background will also be disabled.
If you see still judder using the game mode preset, you've either got a fault with the TV or the component attached to it.
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many thanks for the quick reply!
I have just tried it, Dickinsons real deal is on ITV HD as we speak and on game mode it’s unwatchable.
I have the SKY Q latest box, all up to date and of course was fine with with my previous tv.
mad soon as I took the Sony out of the box put Disney + on, my heart sank as the picture was juddering like mad and my wife asked what’s wrong with the tele. I’ve always wondered if I had a faulty unit but have been told by richer sounds that I am sensitive to judder, but I can’t believe that when my wife’s seeing the same as me. How can I prove I have a faulty unit? I want them to come round and have a look for themselves but doubt they would.
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Try and capture the judder on your phone, then either upload it to YouTube and send RS a link or ask a member of staff for their number and share it via WhatsApp.
RS have fantastic customer service in my experience so I'm certain you'll be able to find a resolution with them. If not with your local store, then contact their head office via their national number to complain.
Good luck.