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Transferring from Mini-DV to PC without Camcorder

Transferring from Mini-DV to PC without Camcorder

No longer own my fantastic Sony HDR-HC3e Camcorder, but have come across some Mini-DV tapes which I wish to transfer to PC.

I possibly have some recordings in HD but uncertain.

What do I need? A second hand HC3e or maybe a Mini-DV player - but not sure what model will reply the possible mix of recording standards of the HC3. 

A bit long in the tooth to be up-to-date with current video scene!!! but would value advice on the kit I might need to transfer the video to my PC (Windows). Happy with the PC end of things - have firewire, USB 2 & 3 and a variety of video adapters.

Any help appreciated.


Does your firewire port still work?

From what I heard Firewire is not supported (and therefore unusable) from Win 8 upwards anymore.


If that is the case I would simply go with the Magix video grabber:


It supports S-Video and Composite Video.


- Nic

Hi - Thanks for the reply.

Sorry - but you haven't grasped my predicament!

I have multiple Mini-DV Tapes from which I wish to transfer the contents to my computer.

Your solution "Magix" is a software utility.

I need a hardware Mini-DV transport (not having the original video camera any more), so my query is for advice on a suitable Mini-DV transport that would cope with the modes of recording assciated with my former Sony video Camera.

Hope this clarifies my query,

Hi there ,


I think you misunderstood my reply.


Even if you find a working camcorder/player for your mini-DV tapes - you might run into the issue, that you can't make use of the firewire-port of your PC (I heard, that support for Firewire is no more since Windows 8).


That is why I suggested to get the Magix video grabber with the recording (+editing) software, so you can import your videos to your computer.


I hope that clears up what I intended to say with my last reply.


- Nic

Many thanks for your helpful reply - my mind was concentrating on the hardware requirements.

I now appreciate that there are software factors to consider.

Thanks again.

Did you end up getting this sorted @Bothyballad ? I currently have the same problem! Found a box of mini DV tapes and have long disposed of the original camcorder. Am trying to find something to load the tapes into for conversion. Cheers!

Ran into the same issue - though I still have the camera but connecting that to a (recent) PC seems an issue - some solutions I noticed on Youtube (firewire connection or via Roxio game capture) technically no longer seem to work.


Aside that I wonder if the cost (buying both hardware solutions and software) outweigh the alternative: some people / companies offer to convert tapes to hard disk for 8 -15 euros a tape. When having not too many tapes this may be an alternative solution as these people have the tools and experience. Bear in mind that tapes may get lost in mail - so best is to find a local person/company where you can hand over the tapes.

Many thanks for your response, most appreciated! I remember when we had the camera that we had issues with the firewire cable almost burning out my PC. It's SUPER expensive to have tapes converted locally ($60+ per tape), though managed to find a company over East in Queensland doing them for $10 a tape so have sent them off. Fingers crossed! Cheers A