I've been requested to apologise......


I've been requested to apologise......

Aloha everyone!

I received an email this morning requesting I make an apology

I assume CU means Robbinson Christopher but as there is no member mentioned I cannot say for sure.

I'm sorry CU chose to bring up the previous 'matter' and compare it in this instance in an attempt to chide me.
There is no comparison between the two, a fact that completely escapes him.

I was told at the time to re-word my email requesting the post's removal and was also told CU 'does not work to my timescale'

I feel he is singling me out in this instance. Has anyone else received an email about this? Prove me wrong.

He was doing so well until he mentioned 'Pride' in today's little message[:D
Do I apologise? Do I tell him I don't work to his timescale? Do I tell him to re-word his email?

What do you think?
I would expect that CU would also have protected the people who basically babysit his forum, thus I expect Mr Robinson to apologise now that he has read my apology.

I'm expecting a ban for this by the way which I hope will satisfy some people.
My crime? Defending the VM's
Would I have done it any differently? Hell No!:smileygrin:

Thank you - you've been a lovely audience!:smileygrin:

(Dear Santa Please give my memory card to Rich this year)


No offence to anyone; but if Jumpy is made to apoligise then I think Beardo will have to too. Why? Because of the lisp comments, Jumpy didn't go as far as Beardo did (and this is no real slurr on Tony, I think he's a cool guy and has more than enough rights to be a member as Mr Jumpy) but yet he's not been asked to apoligise?

I think it's time Sony said we need moderators who are not going to over interfer with the project, after all we're probably the largest around, specially in this field of technology and owned officially, so I don't see why Sony are not doing more to protect customers and users alike.

It's about time this VAIO Master moniker was dropped, it's giving people the idea of grandeur, which we don't have or wish to posses, we're just happy, fun going VAIO users who don't really want to be seen as big headed and love helping people out (well I get that vibe from 99.9% of us LOL). We don't want special treatments because we're VMs - we came here because of the community spirit.

I think Christopher should apoligise to the group too, walking in here and saying "this thread is boring" is actually TROLLING, and it won't be tolerated - I'm sorry, but if we're going to let people off with that then I don't really want to be a part of a community where we can't protect or members, users and others from inflamatory posts which don't contribute to much.

What annoys me the most is Jumpy didn't really do much to constitute a "yellow card", OK, he made a few zanny photoshop jobs of his website, but they were not too hard hitting, I've seen worse. Still you guys do need to be careful, we don't know who we're dealing with, people do have feelings too, but then again CR shouldn't have said all that stuff about our community without expecting some sort of comeback? People in glass houses don't throw stones, well this guy lashed out at CVs windows, so what did he want? A medal? Leanancy?

We need to bring back the good times attitude to ClubVAIO, I am getting a bit fed up of this place to be honest, bickering and lack of support makes it tiresome, so much I only come once a day as it's becoming a chore rather than a pass by for a bit of intelectual stimulation. Might be time to regroup and think what next?

If Jumpy has to apoligise then a few others should too, like Stephanius!


Thanks for you support Mr 'Lo!
I agree with what you say, but I do not want any other members to be asked to apologise bar RobinsonChristopher.
The fact they weren't asked to before this thread is key.

After reading your post I am more than happy to take one for the team, because we are a team!


This place gets worse :slight_frown:

You have my full support, I am sure I have done worse and I don't believe you should even be asked to apologise.


You have my full support also Mr Suit - there is nothing to apologize for. The only apology should come from the troll that started all this!

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Jumpy CU was simply going through the motions. Mocking a person in a nasty way deserves an apology. Not in this case. I thought it was a bit of light hearted fun erring on the side of dismay at some forum developing wannabee thinking he could bring other CV members down to the level of mindless drival mongers just because HIS forum wouldn't tolerate such behaviour
If someone came into a group of established friends and started mouthing off about how the conversation was rubbish (spam) and attempting to change the playing field of what is comfortable freedom of speech then he would normally get belittled. We belittled wittle kwis because it was harmless fun and Jumpy was having fun too. To anyone with a lisp who was offended by my Johnathon Ross imprewshuns I am truely sorry but my Mum who corrected 100's of lisps in her occupation as a school health sister/health visitor balances out.my karma.


LOL I'm glad we all feel the same!
I'll bet you didn't get mail though me hartey.


Sorry to post.estabislied friends!
Nearly all my posts were belittled it was hard for me to give up
V C i was looking forward to new friends.
My medication and disease make it hard for me to post a message a little compassion,not correction at my english very
Hard as it is i make my amends-one word and again be friends.


All for one & one for all

Aye Aye Captain :smileygrin:


Quote from the original thread ; ‘I also wish these forums had some moderators / administrators to get rid of the obtrusive spam that clutters these threads!’

The way I see it is that Christopher started the tirade of abuse. How it developed may or may not have been regrettable, depending on your perspective, but the key issue for me is that he attacked what I like most about the forum, speaking as a computer ignoramus. Which is, the technical queries get sorted but there is also the opportunity for that to develop into fun; banter; irreverence; and sheer delight in word play. Who actually cares if the mix of threads between the fun/chat room and the more (questionably) worthy mechanical stuff melds together? Other than Christopher, of course.