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Tying The Knot


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First of all, congratulations to Loubella! :rose: 


Second...I realize everyone would like his photo to be original and unique. But the thruth is, it almost impossible to make a photo that hasn't been done before or isn't similar with other pic.


One photo was mentioned - the "fire heart" - indeed, it's different from ohter pics in the competition but not different from pics around the Internet. Just have a look at this:

or this one


It looks VERY similar to "fire heart".


Typing "fire long exposure" in google will give us much more examples.

Lajam : is there a heart in that picture? i think its more like circles instead of hearts but, ok if you say so.

Ninetales - yes, I see heart in this pics. :slight_smile: 

But telling the truth, I don't find it really interesting. For me it's just flames made with long exposure. All look the same. Boring. Just like the Moon photos.