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Hi yellowteapot,
be sure you're burning an image on the cd not copying the file *.mem you donwloaded from the site (there is a specific function in Nero to do it). In case it still doesn't work, I saw other asking the Sony Customer care to send them a working CD sent directly at home
RMT is the code for the remote, you should indicate the code for the DVD recorder (ie HXD870).
In any case you should be sure about the fw installed (1.24 for HXDx90 series or 1.70 for HXDx70 series) and then follow the step for hard resetting the recorder (stop+power off, unplug from main for 1 minute, easy setup procedure). It should work unless you have different problem with the signal in your zone
Don't worry. In order to check the firmware installed you have to:
There is no automatic OTA update for this system, so you cannot check automatically if it is up to date. Once you verify the actual firmware version, if it is not 1.70 you have to go to the support pages, download it, burn a CD with the image and go to the procedure that is explained there.
My guess is that, if you don't know the procedure, it is not updated and this may be the cause of your problems.
Hi Rooobb,
Thanks for your help so far. I've checked the version and it's 1.62 so definitely needs updating. Followed the instructions for the updates, but the recorder keeps saying that it can't read the disc? Have tried several discs and pieces of software.
Hi yellowteapot,
I've read several issues on applying the fw update on these machines. Be sure you burn an image on the CD not copying the file on it (I suggest using a CD-RW so you may trying without wasting Cds) with the suggested options (ie.ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system). If I remember well, there are some issues using Windows 7 CD burning standard utilities, I used Nero and worked fine