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Sony Official Update Thread - RDR Missing Digital Channels


Sony Official Update Thread - RDR Missing Digital Channels

Hi everyone,


Just an update on the current EPG issue that seems to be affecting a significant amount of Sony & Pioneer DVD recorders.


Models potentially affected are:



It appears that something has changed in the way that these devices are receiving EPG data. So we are already trying to understand what has happened and how this can be rectified, realising that a large number of people have been affected.



Latest Update 22/07/2013 15:41


Sony has been working with the broadcasters to try to work out why this issue has occurred and how to remedy it. With your help Sony has discovered that clearing down potentially corrupt broadcast data (EPG) stored within the machine will remedy this issue.


Whilst we continue to work with the broadcasters, and ahead of any final statement, we recommend the following steps to remedy this issue:



i). Turn off the DVD/HDD recorder at the mains (ie remove the plug from the wall)

ii). Wait 30 seconds

iii). Reconnect the power.


The set may now work correctly.


However, in certain cases it may be necessary to carry out a full factory reset as follows (please note this will return the product to its original out-of-box 'Easy Set Up' position so you will need to set-up the product as if it were new):



i). Make sure the DVD/HDD recorder is turned 'on'

ii). Remove any DVD disc from the machine and close the drawer.

iii). Press and hold the "Stop" button, then press and release the "on/standby" button, then release the "Stop" button (ON THE RECORDER, not the remote)

iv). The product is then turned 'off' and all settings are reset to factory default, with all potentially corrupt 'tuning' and 'EPG' data removed.

v). The DVD/HDD recorder will now need to be re-tuned and set up following the step-by-step on screen instructions - Note: Choose "Digital Guide" rather than "Guide Plus" at the relevant stage of the set-up (Guide Plus is no longer broadcast).


In the unlikely event that you still experience difficulties, please contact the Sony consumer helpline on 0844 8466 555 or for more info visit:



Many thanks


OK, thank you, getting headche now lol, will try lter, good luck folks!

No problem


FWIW mine is still all OK, so maybe its a transmitter based glitch


@ Nico Henderijckx, Sony European Forum & Communities Manager.


Your message (no 2, around 22 or 23 July) said that 'future official updates from Sony will be posted in this thread'.


When (approximately) will there be a full statement by Sony (preferably agreed with Digital UK) on this thread explaining what the problem was? 




looks like the same fault has reoccurred and the boxes are stuck in UPDATE MODE again, the epg is also different than usual, has to be the EPG DATA provider once more as we never got any firmware updates from sony themselves. I suggest you all send an email to sony support about it so they get an idea its happened again

Mine is working perfectly using the Belmont transmitter, so I guess it is transmitter related (unless you know different) and has nothing to do with SONY

Hi all,
Just to let you all know Sony are aware that some of you are reporting your RDR are stuck in update mode again and the problem is being investigated..

If I get any information I will pass it on asap..

thanks, I reported it by phone and by email, definitely seems a problem on winter hill, no idea if its national or not, was advised to try guideplus but the channels fail after about 20 seconds, channel hopping puts them back on again but only for the same 20 seconds, then they go black. doesnt matter which epg guide you use, same problems occur , not tried FRANCE location yet. my sony 40w5500 and toshiba tv`s work fine and epg looks ok (same as last time)

my firmware is up to date on 1.70 and has been ok since a week last sunday until this lunchtime. there is deffo a fault on the epg and hopefully sony know who to ring up about it, unlike me as I dont have numbers for arqiva or digital_uk

I know sony are not responsible for the fault, but they have more influence then I do and maybe they will issue a firmware update to stop the crippling effect of these epg data failures ? who knows . my point was its better to let them know in case they can sort the fiasco out with the people responsible for it.


I have just spoken to sony support and they did not tell me they were looking into it. they gave me the factory reset instructions. (not sure the girl I spoke to understood what i was saying to her) so have had to retune to france dvd is an hxd995 picking up winterhill


the nice chap I spoke to knew about the previous problem and accepted my comments, gave me a case number and said he would escalate it

the only way I can fix it is using FRANCE (or belgium) as my location, same as we did the other week. no problems on the epg or channels on my tv`s, just these sony recorders once more - so to me its the same fault - but I can only test winter hill

@sbrobbs wrote:


I have just spoken to sony support and they did not tell me they were looking into it. they gave me the factory reset instructions. (not sure the girl I spoke to understood what i was saying to her) so have had to retune to france dvd is an hxd995 picking up winterhill

The people I reported this to do not work in the call centre..:smileywink: