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Sony Xperia T No SIM card problem


Sony Xperia T No SIM card problem


I've got a Sony Xperia T phone, I have it for a year..

But in a two weeks I guess, the phone is giving me an error about no sim card, and than restarting.. And thats for twice a day.

My SIM card is not a cutted version, I've got it from my carrier. The phone is not rooted at all.

Upgraded to Android 4.3.

I've tried to take out the sim card, and than putting it back, but after a day, I've get the error again.

Please help me, this is so annoying, because the restarts drains the battery..




I'm having exactly the same problem. But it can go for weeks without happening. If I have to swith phone off for any reason, it seems to happen after I switch back on. After a few reboots it seems OK. Not good though. Sony need to address this. Switched to Sony after years with Samsung, coz I was getting fed up with all the bloatware on their phones. Anyway, won't be sticking with Sony if they don't sort their act out. Had other issues, and their customer service is awful.

Got this problem 2 .This POS phone doesnt detect nano sim cards (together with adapter)It only works with with pure micro sim card !I belive it is hardware design flaw.Many operators delivers 3 in 1 sim cards and you cant get pure micro sim you can get only nano sim +adapter which this T3 doesnt detect or partially detect !


I've got the same problems with my Z3 it's been repaired 4 times, and now I've got a software actualization and it stopped reading my sim card. Now they tell me I have to send it into repair and wait to know how much is gonna cost, if they keep having the same issues I don't know why I have to pay for the repair.


Same here. I very much regret getting this premium Z5. Nothing but problems.

I have a problem whit the SIM  card. My phablet don't accept it.


Translation via Google Translate:

I miss a lot the signal I have a t2ultra I followed the steps but still doing the same as I can do apparently this happens to almost all t2

Le falla mucho la señal tengo un t2ultra ya seguí los pasos pero sigue haciendo lo mismo que puedo hacer al parecer le pasa esto a casi todos los t2


I changed my sim and am only getting no sim card - no service... it's really frustrating. ..what to do? Phone will not work ...not getting network. .