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st25i any Arabic Firmware Please


st25i any Arabic Firmware Please

I have flashed my phone with the French ICS From here

And now I want to go back to my original Arabic Firmware.

Can any one help me and tell me how to get the original Arabic Firmware.

My phone "SI 1261-8812"



are,namahdud daram.alan ICS ro gozashtam vase dl,dustam nete 1mb/s khodesho bem gharz dade.ta 1sa@ dge ICS dl mishe vali Flash Tool ro mundam cheka konam Slightly_frowning_Face
Middle East zud miad,akhe faghat Iran nis,age Iran bud ke omran ina midadanesh :smileyhappy:)))


If you wait couple of days,official ICS will release to Middle East Xperia U and you can use Arabic Language.but if you really want to root it,do it.but if you are did it before and know about how Slightly_smiling_Face


I have done it Slightly_smiling_Face

I updated to ICS (the French version) and then Root it.

And the I edited the build.prop file, change SI to (SI 1261-375) It's the Arabic Customization

And I forced PCC to update (actually downgrade) It downloaded the files but didn't flash them

I took the files and used the flashtool and created a .ftf file and the flashed it.

And now I have the original GB .184 with Arabic Customization.



I have 2 questions:

1- what is the SI key? I installed Australian ROM (without baseband) and chnaged the phone from ST25a to ST25i in the build.prop but I can't find the key you mentioned.

2- How do you updated your unlocked boot loader and rooted phonee with PCC?! I tried PCC and SUS and both of them give me an error that "I am running custom ROM"

Thank you


1- SI (service Information) it's a number that define the region which this phone is made for. You can find yours under your battary.

2- becasuse you unlooked your bootloader you void your warranty and you can't update using SEUS or PCC. I don't know if you locked it again will it work or not. But I guess you should forget about PCC and SUES and wait for the stock ROM and flash it using .ftf

if you have build.prop copy from any official version of Xperia U (SI 1261-8812) I hope you give me a copy.



You said that you updated to ICS french version and updated build.prop (which need root access), so  I believe you have unlocked bootloader too, right?

I want to know how did you got the downgrade to .184 with arabic customization using PCC?

I hope after you get official ICS (middle east version) to create .ftf file and send the link here.

Sadly i don't have any original build.prop, what is the correct SI code for arabic, SI 1261-375 or SI 1261-8812?


You don't need an unlocked bootloader for root access as of ICS, Bin4ry over at xdaDevelopers has written a method which takes advantage of adb restore on normal handsets, and the backup/restore app for Sony handsets.


No you can root your phone without unlock your boot loader

And I got the official firmware following these steps:

1- I flashed ICS the french version

2- I rooted my phone using flashtool

3- I edited my build.prop changing every 1262-1120 to 1261-3759

4- I connected my phone to PCC and made repaire Phone which downloaded the firmware files

5- I copied the files from C:\ProgramData\Sony Ericsson\Update Engine\db\13740270\blob_fs and used the flashtool to create .ftf file

I tried using 1261-8812 which is my SI but it didn't work that's why I am looking for the original build.prop to see it's detailes.

I can upload the ftf file I made for you. It's a Middle East Customization which supports arabic and parsian.


wow, u really did a lot of work there, nice going..:smileyhappy:


This is the Original Stock ROM .ftf file for st25i  6.0.B.3.184 Middle East version which supports (Arabic and Persian ) 1261-3759 customization

Part 1:

Part 2:

There is another customization for United Arabic Emirates 1263-4673

and another one for SAUDI ARABIA 1261-3763

I think of downloading them and try them. But I think I'll wait for the ICS firmware