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Help please, Yesterday Iwas the first time I gave been unable to connect via my Sony Bravia tTV to iBBC Player
A couple of days ago - when watching regular TV - message boxes suggesting use of alternate HD channels pop up when, for instance I am watching BBC1. Since these appeared I am unable to connect via my Sony Bravia TV to iPlayer. All other internet connections are fine and it loads 5 on demand, Sky News, YouTube etc fine. The only fault is with iPlayer.
I have been through the Bravia systems and used Fadtory Reset and reconnected and checked my broadband wirless network - I use Virgin Media n- all of which do not solve the problem,
When trying to load t I get a fault screen stating that there may be Netwirk issues.
Any assistance/advice would be very gratefully recieved. Thank you.
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Hi Verko1
In case you missed it:
Thats all the information at this stage unfortunately.
Since yesterday I can't watch BBC iplayer via my sony blu-ray DVD either - all other channels work on, Demand 5 Sky news etc. There is a message saying the server is unavailable. This is very disappointing with Xmas coming up - anyon any ideas?
Hi Jumpy123
In case you missed it, see this thread below:
However this is the information so far:
Me too. My sony bravia kdl-24EX320 no longer connects to the bbc iplayer site.
The error messaga reads:
'This page display failed. Please check the following items: is URL correct? is Network Settings correct? Is LAN cable connected? In certain situations, it may not be displayed even under correct settings'
I have reset the network connection and tried connecting directly to the site, all to no avail. Other features (you tube, demand 5 etc) are all fine. BBC iPlayer worked really well until this last week.
Please fix it quickly!!
Still not working @ 19.00 14/12/13 on my 40NX723 but is working on 32W654 after rebooting the router