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Changing how the Sony KDL50W815BSU Media Server shows files


Changing how the Sony KDL50W815BSU Media Server shows files

Is there a way of changing how the Sony Bravia KDL50W815BSU Media Server shows files which are stored on a usb?


On my old Sony telly you could create folders on a usb drive and then insert files ie for a telly season I would use 1,2,3 etc. I would create several folders like this for each season. But on this telly I can't seem to find how to select an individual folder as all the files are displayed which is totally useless when you have several folders with the same named files in.


Is there a work around for this?




Press options and choose "Folder view" in order to see the files in the way you have organized them on the HDD/USB drive


That still does not show folders. On my usb drive I have several series which are numbered 1,2,3 etc. By selecting "options" and "folder view" it still does not show the folders, all it does is show a different (the folder) icon instead of a thumbnail.

So now when I access the Media Server it shows several 1's, 2's 3's etc so unless I go through all the series on my hard drive and rename each individual episode ie The Wire Season 1 Episode 1, or something similar, I won't know what series/episode I will be watching till it starts.


So back to my question, is there a way of showing folders on the media server via a usb hard drive?


Any answers....anyone?

I doubt there's anything to do, other than not expect much from TVs in this department. If I wanted a sensible UI I'd use a computer, or another device, as the playback source.

Nicht anwendbar

HI there


Sorry for the delayed response.  This is because its sometimes hard to access my TV, as well as I wanted to test this out for myself before posting. I tested this with photos - As i dont keep videos with a small filesize.


I have a 2014 TV (at the moment) of which I can confirm that the TV can display folders (or the thumbnails of the folders) in a single level OR multi-level folders.  What I mean by single level and multi-level is:



  - Folder 1

     - files

  - Folder 2

     - files

  - Folder 3

     - files



- Main Folder

  - Folder A

    - Folder 1

       - files

    - Folder 2

        - files

  - Folder B

     - Folder 1

       - files

    - Folder 2

       - files

etc etc


Anyway, you can display you files via USB in folder view as well as sorting them via A-Z.  The TV will display the Folders/files the following way:



So when you are in the TV's media player and have displayed the folders/files.  Press the [Options] button on the remote control and choose 'Folder View'




Once done, press the [Options] button on the remote control again, and choose "Filename A-Z Down arrow"



Hope this helps.



Edit:  It is also good practice to name your media files (in this case TV Series) properly.  i.e. 

The Wire - S01E01 - Episode name

The Wire - S01E02 - Episode name


Thats looks better.

Still a pain though when the media server crashes because you have file it does not like.


Thanks for the replies.