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[Nov 2015] BBC iPlayer - Temporarily cannot access the server


[Nov 2015] BBC iPlayer - Temporarily cannot access the server

Suddenly, no access to Iplayer and error message "Temporarily cannot access the server". TV is hard wired to router at 40Mbps. Computers working OK. Menu option Network>View network status>Check connection gives OK for cable, local access and internet. Refresh Internet Connection does Authenticate and Acquire successfully. However Server diagnostics reports "servers could not be found". Server list is empty and the menu option Update Server List results in a similar "server cannot be found error". Software is latest


Anyone know what the gremlin is please? Frequently suggested hammer blows of General Setup>Factory Reset and power reset have had no effect.



I am just wondering if anyone from Sony UK is taking an interest in this thread and would be willing to 'go live' and share the thoughts of the Corporation with the Sony Community on here?


Sent an email, coipied your post to


Thanks to Robox11 for posting the reply from the BBC. Looking back at previous posts and my own communications with Sony, there is obviously a lack of communication between the Sony helpdesk/callcentre and other parts of Sony Support (who may well be working on a fix for our problem). When I spoke to someone at the helpdesk he said he would have to email them asking them to post an update on this Community Thread. The helpdesk staff appear to be cutting and pasting replies from whatever they happen to find on their system hence the confusion and repeated references to old and irrelevent material. 




I've also sent an e-mail to the Radio 4 programme 'You and Yours', with a link to this thread - I figure the more people we tell, the more likely it is that Sony will finally hear us (fingers crossed!!).


I have just been out and bought a NOW TV box from Sainsbury's for £15. They say it is a Balck Friday Deal but it is the same price in Asda I am told. Just another box and power lead to plug in and anotherr remote. Last time I will buy anything with a Sony badge on it!



Perhaps an email to their Country Head UK and Ireland, Mr Kris de Pauw who I think is a Dutchmen. Past experience with my last boss who was also Dutch, this guy may kick ass and get this resolved. I have his email if anyone wants me to PM it to them.

I think this whole episode brings up a bigger issue - can there be such a thing as a smart TV, sold and badged as such, when it only stays smart for 4 years.  Whilst I suspect at the time of buying our TV's it was not clear that there would be changes to the web services that could kill our TV's smarts it does not help us now and for me the promise of iPlayer was a major part of my buying decision.


However, today we have the experience and I ask the question if the current adverising for smart TV's should come with a health warning - iPlayer only guaranteed to work for 4 years.  It would at least be honest and I think drives us to the solution mentioned above, abandond the TV smarts and accept another box.  An interesting item for Watchdog!


I have gone with iPlayer via Plex on my AppleTV4. The BBC are also promising a native application for the ATV shortly.  My plan is to upgrade a cheap box every 4 years and not an expensive TV.




This seems a very widespread problem. Only it is not so temporary.... has been ongoing for about a week at least. Last time this happened, I-Player was unobtainable for about 4 weeks. Sony seem very slow to fix these issues,,,,,,

As I have posted earlier, an update on by BDV-L600 has REMOVED BBC iPlayer from the home screen. Sent from my iPad