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XNV-L66BT - rear audio output?

XNV-L66BT - rear audio output?

I have just fitted an XNV-L66BT to my car which has rear screens for the kids. The video output is fine, but the sound from DVDs or avis on USB always comes though the car speakers and can't be switched through the IR headphones which I have attached to the rear stereo output. Any ideas? The IR headphones work fine, tested separately. There does not seem to be any setting at all to play the audio through the headphones only, sadly.

Also, to other buyers considering this unit, please be aware that 'dual zone' means different things to different manufacturers. On this unit, it means that the rear screens can watch video whilst the main screen uses tomtom - on some others it means that the driver can use satnav and listen to the radio, whilst the rear passengers watch and listen via headphones.

Message was edited by: zorba_g

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