A place where the time has stopped

Dead Vlei: Namibia’s Graveyard of 900-Year-Old Tree Skeletons. The clay pan crust has been formed when the Tsauchab river flooded the region. Pictured camel thorn trees has growed in shallow pools. Then came climate change, drought hit the area and sand dunes closed the river flow. After that, time has stopped here and almost nothing new grown in the Dead Vlei. Novadays the time stops here everyday with every single picture taken.

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Dead Vlei: Namibia’s Graveyard of 900-Year-Old Tree Skeletons. The clay pan crust has been formed when the Tsauchab river flooded the region. Pictured camel thorn trees has growed in shallow pools. Then came climate change, drought hit the area and sand dunes closed the river flow. After that, time has stopped here and almost nothing new grown in the Dead Vlei. Novadays the time stops here everyday with every single picture taken.
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