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Is it possible to power on RX0M2 using Camera Remote API?
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Is it possible to power on RX0M2 using Camera Remote API?

Hi there,

I am writing a custom program to control the RX0M2 from a Raspberry Pi using the Sony Camera Remote SDK (

All is working well apart from the fact that when the system is first powered on, the Sony Camera Remote SDK cannot connect to the RX0M2 until the power/standby button on the camera has been pressed. When deploying the solution in production, the power button of the RX0M2 will be inaccessible so if possible I need a way to power on the RX0M2 remotely.

When using the Sony Camera Control Box ( I can power on the RX0M2 using the Camera Control Box web API so I know that remote power on of the RX0M2 is physically possible. However I'd like to avoid using the CCB in production as it increases the complexity of the setup and I only need one camera.

Does anyone know if it's possible to power on the RX0M2 remotely without using the CCB? If yes can you please give me some pointers?

Many thanks
