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What software was bundled with the α300?


What software was bundled with the α300?

Can someone help me please?

I bought an Alpha α300 DSLR back in December 2008.

I still have the camera but never installed the "Lightbox" software (I think that's what it was called) since I prefer to use Photoshop Elements.

I also seem to have acquired (and installed) from somewhere a suite of programmes  by "Corel":-

"Corel MediaOne", and "Photo Downloader",

"Corel PHOTO-PAINT Essentials 3" and "CorelDRAW Essentials 3"


I certainly didn't pay for them, and can only presume they were "bundled" with the camera.

Because the install date (Dec 2008) was close to the time I bought the camera, maybe some Christmas spirit (s) have erased the memory of quite where I got it from, and where I've since put the disk!


Can anyone confirm to me that this software would have come as part of the Alpha 300 camera's bundled programmes? 



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Hi there

I don't remember any Corel software coming with my A300.


I've had a check at what software / drivers are available to download on the support page Here

but that doesn't mention any software except for Playmemories, Lightbox, Picture Motion Browser etc.

I think its unlikely the Corel came with the Alpha, however perhaps someone else may know :slight_smile:

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Hi there

I don't remember any Corel software coming with my A300.


I've had a check at what software / drivers are available to download on the support page Here

but that doesn't mention any software except for Playmemories, Lightbox, Picture Motion Browser etc.

I think its unlikely the Corel came with the Alpha, however perhaps someone else may know :slight_smile:

Thanks jumpsuit, I've been amazed just how many software disks I have found on this safari, grubbing about in dusty old boxes!

I'm sure that I still haven't discovered all that I have amassed over the years and still I can't find the disk from which this software was installed!

I'm inclined to agree with you that it's unlikely to have come with the camera, I was just clutching at straws due to the install date being Dec 8th 2008 which is about the time I bought the camera.


Windows is complaining that "something" is not installed correctly, or is corrupted and I'm getting frequent BSOD's.

I suspect this suite to be the culprit since it randomly elbows it's way in when I'm opening other programmes.

So far it's just been an irritating "feature" as Bill Gates used to describe these anomalies, and the programme works well when called upon so I'm loathe to remove it without first locating the disk!

I think it'll have to go though since these BSOD's are a severe torment!

I just hope the sacrifice will be worthwhile!