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Bravia OLED A80J screen issue
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Bravia OLED A80J screen issue


I hope that someone will have any suggestions for me. My TV is 22 months old. It was working flawlessly until recently. 20th of October I turned it on and it had a giant vertical band on the right side of screen. My heart stopped for a while :slight_smile: but I did manual screen refresh and after an hour all was good. I decided to plug this TV to a separate wall socket exclusively. Now, yesterday I was doing some cable management and I have connected to the same socket a PDP xbox controller charger. Late evening I have turned on TV and again but worse, there were vertical and horizontal bands on whole screen. 

Is it possible that this charger somehow interferes with my TV, or it was just an coincidence and screen is dying. It is still on warranty and I have an extended 3 years warranty from Media Expert. 

Nicht anwendbar

Hey @slawomirkazimierczak, follow this article here> How to troubleshoot screen and picture issues on your Sony TV If the issue happens only while it's connected it's probably related yeah