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USB Recording

USB Recording

Can anyone confirm that USB recording as implemented is only one event recorded at any one time and that the twin tuner option doesn't enable simultaneous recording of content? The second tuner only enabling watching another channel whilst recording another.

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Hi there


Please see the first part of this FAQ:



Thanks for that. 


A problem has arisen though. Some programmes are being missed, Springwatch on Friday as an example, There's no apparent correlation with channels. More seriously though Accurate recording isn't. Some programmes are not linking in with the Freeview EPG accurate recording system. Notably Saturday's football that had a scheduled end time of 2200, which in-programme was extended until around 2207. The USB recording ended at 2200 promptly. Meanwhile Short Circuit's recording stated late. Could Sony investigate please? 


Can you also confirm that the software was fully tested in the field in the UK prior to launch? I have a concern that this isn't being done, and the software process is being done entirely out of country now. 


I believe I've followed the sketchy online set-up procedure correctly.

Another issue, programmes recorded prior to the GMT/BST clock change have not retained their original transmission time detail on the recordings list, these have been adjusted to BST too. 



Nicht anwendbar

Hi there


In regards to your comment if the FW is tested in the UK.  I believe it is, as ive heard some people (mainly internal Sony staff) are actively testing these tvs via a beta test program.  Unfortunately i dont really have any real info to be honest.


In regards to the issues you have identified, lets see what happens in the next fw release, whenever that is and take it from there.



I tested on Sunday. Can record Freeview and watch live Satellite without losing the recording. A long set recording failed today. I think the disk is going into sleep mode or so mesuch and isn't being woken. Temporarily fixed by turning the drive on and off again, but not ideal when it's sole purpose is to work when you're not there!

Another missed programme tonight ... The Dan Snow Vikings one. 


Something really screwed up with the file system, I fear. Why couldn't the recording system from the 2014 receivers have been ported over. 


One for you Quinnicus.

Yep. My USB disk isn't staying 'live' on the TV. Leave it a few days and go to the HDD check option and you're told that it can't run as the drive isn't connected. Flick the power switch on the enclosure off and on again and a notification pops up to say that a drive has been detected. Is this a TV issue or a drive issue (Toshiba 500Gb in USB enclosure)?


Quite a pain whatever the underlying reason!

My drive IS online and has recorded other content tonight. There's something not right about the way the TV is responding to Accurate Recording requests. Luckily the Documentary will be available via the BBC Store shortly. That's not the point though. Testing in a few employees homes doesn't compare to full UK based workshop testing which is exposed to all possible combinations of receiver operation and Freeview control signals.

So I managed to record the Dan Snow repeat from BBC ONE HD, the picture quality on the recording when compared to the BBC iPlayer version is dreadful. Puddly greens and blues, and doll like faces. How on earth this can be deemed acceptable when compared to the near perfect recordings on the 2014 Bravias astonishes me. 


Please ger Sony on the case, there's some real grief going on with the data compression and recovery - reassembly process. Artefacts galore.