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Where is new firmware for A95L??

Where is new firmware for A95L??



Could Sony Europe please release firmware v112.627.030.1 for the A95L?  This firmware provides much needed fixes for problems the set has had since launch 14 months ago (poor Dolby Vision Gradation in dark scenes, eARC sound dropouts, posterisation in some streaming content) as well as promised features such as Voice Zoom 3 and Prime Calibrated Mode. 

This has been available in the rest of the world for 3 weeks now and it’s unacceptable that European owners of the A95L are still forced to wait for these much needed fixes and feature updates. 

Come on Sony Europe!


Just install the Bravia 9 firmware. Works with the A95L with no issues. It's almost like Sony Europe have forgotten to update it. 😂

Yes, I have it on a USB but I’m pretty risk averse when it comes to things like this.  Users on AVS have verified that the US A95L update file is identical to the B9 one. I’ll give them another couple of weeks and if nothing is forthcoming, I’ll install the B9 firmware. 

There’s a hidden page on the Sony UK website with the v112.627.030.1 update available for the A95L and it appears to be the same file as the UK B9 update. However, the release notes have not been tailored for the A95L and it only mentions the the B7/8/9 as compatible sets. 

Perhaps you are right and they’ve simply forgot to release it for the A95L lol.

I've been running it for a week as have others with no issues. Does a check to make sure it's compatible anyway and if you dive into the files themselves you can see everything matches up as it should. Confirmed it's fixed and implemented what they've stated. I personally think they've just forgotten to roll it out in Europe. 😂
Community Team


For the Dolby vision issue, check the HDR settings:

Also, the same with the eARC sound issue:

And I'm not really sure what do mean by (posterisation in some streaming content)?!



Thanks for the reply however I have already followed the given steps the try resolving the Dolby Vision issue and they do not work. The problem is due to faults in Sony’s Dolby Vision implementation which have been largely resolved with the new firmware the rest of the world has received but Europe is being denied. 

Following the steps you provide to resolve the eARC issue would result in losing ability to pass through the Spatial Audio formats like Dolby Atmos to audio devices and I don’t see why I should cripple the performance of my system when there is a firmware solution that has already been released in the rest of the world. 

As for posterisation you can see it in the following examples:


Ahsoka on Disney+: Episode 1 from 08m45s to about 11m00s where you can see horrible magenta tinting and banding. This is fixed with firmware 112.627.030.1

Silo on Apple TV streaming app:  Multiple episodes show banding and magenta blotches in low light scenes in Dolby Vision .  Once again, fixed with the new firmware. 
Hunt for Red October: On Apple TV app (but also on 4K Blu-ray) horrible banding in underwater scene at about 09m00s when in Dolby vision but not in HDR10 mode. 
Bad Sisters on the Apple TV streaming app: Season 1, episode 5 horrible colour banding in Dolby Vision at about 41m00s which is fixed with the new firmware. 

There are many more examples I could give but I’m sure you get the idea. 

So, in summary, most of the rest of the world are on version 112.627.030.1 for their A95Ls which fixes the majority of outstanding issues this TV has, whereas European owners are languishing on version 112.607.020.1 and are suffering an inferior user experience as a result. 

Seeing as I have the attention of someone from Sony posting on these boards, is there any chance you could pass this up the chain of command and find out when we can expect to receive these important fixes to our sets. Or has Sony Europe simply forgotten to release this update to European A95Ls?!

Sony promised the 2024 features would be out for the A95L in 2024. However, while the rest of the world has received them in the new update, Europe still has not had it pushed out. Can you confirm the reason why, as Sony is about to break their promise!

Bravia9 has had yet another firmware update today and still nothing for A95L in Europe since September. This is ridiculous Sony.

I agree it's very frustrating and feels like the A95L customer community has been left behind when it comes to updates. The A80L range of OLEDs got an update on 04/12/2024. I'm hoping that the A95L update - when it comes - might bring UHD/HDR support on NOW tv but perhaps that's too much to expect.

Well everywhere else has also had V112.628.050.1 released for the A95L and Europe still hasn't even seen the previous update. That's really bad now when everyone else is two revisions ahead. 


Would be nice if a Sony rep could actually respond or have you already put your feet up for the holidays.