XD9305 - Loss of all power

XD9305 - Loss of all power

Hi - Has anyone experienced a loss of power on the new XD9305?  Having switched TV off as normal yesterday, it is now dead.I have checked power and I have checked fuse - a 10Amp one and still nothing.I have also tried the button at the back and the remote ( and changed batteries).


Very frustrating as having bought the latest TV Sony have out ( in June), less than 6 months later TV is dead.

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Hi LF69F,


Good luck with your claim, do keep us posted.

I was equally annoyed (see previous pages) and was so P'd offf that a top of the line set would fail within 6 months, and then Sony replaced the DPS board with the same batch and date as the original one.


I escalated my complaint to Sony HQ and was told that they sell thousands of these TVS, and only a small bunch off people like us have complained. I said that there is a guarantee that the set will fail within 6 months and they should accept that this is a FAULT.


The complaint was then passed on to the SONY European Complaints Manager (Stefan) who despite promised to speak to me direct, has not bothered to reply and runs away from having a conversation.


This says it all to me, SONY are the only here by name, theoir Quality Control is non existant. What worries the most about this TV is that at the rate this fault occurs, we will only have this TV for 5 years (warranty period) and then SONY will do nothing and that's an expensive brick to have at the end of 5 years....


Let us know how you get one, I would gladly chip in with everyone here to take a class action against SONY and get a refund for the TV under the reason that it is not fit for purpose and that the manufacturer has done nothing to address the issue or acknowledge a fault. Replacing the part every 6 months (until the warranty runs out) is not acceptable SONY !!!!!



Evening everyone,


As I thought nice call from shop then email saying they will defend case.


I'd like you help on several things please.


1. Anyone fancy trip to the court case as witness to the issues we are reporting. Lunch provided and will let you dates once I know (West Sussex area)


2. Does anyone have any emails from Sony or repair centres stating issues etc 


3. Need to get indepdent report done on my TV any ideas needs to be in West Sussex area


Several people from other forums helping out and i'm now aware Sony is monitoring this subject so please email anything to [personal details removed by moderator]. Finally, really interesting the BBC watchdog have emailed me asking several questions and would like one of there reasearchers to arrange call next week. I'll keep you update on this but we could have some real traction in this area.


Kind regards for any help you can give 



I wish you success in your case. I wont be joining you. I had 1 fault with my tv and this annoying at the time as it was, has been repaired quickly and professionally by the TV repair company passed over to me. 

since then i have been enjoying the TV and only the other week after visiting the Sony store in Plymouth, looked into getting a 2nd unit. or the A1oled but thats a little bit more pricey. 

Working with eletronics i understand failures happen time to time, to me its part of life and no big deal. The worse is the time taken to get the item repaired more than it failing in the first place as most except there is a warranty and everything is covered. 


It would be interesting to see how you get on though. 



there is a new software update available in case people havent done this yet. Its useful and on my tv made the picture a lot better. 


you can get the software by navigating to help section on the tv or downloading it from the sony support site here.




software version is now V3.865


I too have the XD9305 65 inch model and can confirm it is dead as of 2.6.2017.


I watched an episode of Van Helsing on Netflix around midnight yesterday and then turned off the tv. Tv was completely switched off for around 24 hours before it died. I did everything i could to bring it back to life, but no success.


The same thing happened a few months back but then i just unplugged the power  supply from the electrical socket, waited a few minutes and then plugged it back on and tv started working. I tried the same trick again but it doesn't seem to work.


I will never buy a TV from sony again. I should have stuck with LG or even Samsung. Big mistake...



Wow, thank you all for your emails over this looks like its large issue and I have 4 people willing to come to court to give statments on this issue. Still trying to find suitable independent engineer to give report and come to court. Does anyone know of any companies who specailise in this





Where to start with my experience thus far...!?


I bought my XD9305 55inch TV last year in July...and within a month or so I started noticing small issues happening every few weeks, which I decided to just ignore as they were probably just android software issues.


For example, i'd get a black screen when trying to play content on Netflix or Amazon, or an error message would appear on the screen...or the sound would suddenly turn off, all of which would be resolved by turning the tv off and then on again.


Unfortunately, like everyone else here...I then had the TV die on me about 3 weeks ago, where no matter what I tried it simply wouldn't turn on. It was at this point I contacted John Lewis Head Office with a complaint regarding the TV...and then also found the topic on this forum.


John Lewis basically advised that (as others have noted), they would need to attempt a repair in the first instance...which would be conducted by their Partner Martin Dawes. Martin Dawes collected the TV (one member of staff I might add, who struggled to carry it), and provided me with a loan set...and confirmed that it would probably be the DPS board (as they have carried a number of repairs on the model in recent months.


The TV was then returned (again by one person struggling to carry it), and everything appeared to be fine...apart from the fact I noticed when light hit the tv from a certain angle, small incremental indentations were now running along the bottom of the screen (where it meets the frame). I also then started getting the same type of error messages on a daily basis over the following week...which I then contacted John Lewis about again.


They once again advised the TV would need to be removed by Martin Dawes for inspection...which happened last week (again, by one person! note, each member of Martin Dawes that has turned up has said it was a 2 man job...but management only allocated 1 person). The rep from Martin Dawes confirmed when he turned up, that he could see the damage to the screen, but it would still need to be inspected.


I've now been contacted by John Lewis again, to advise that under test conditions Martin Dawes cannot find anything causing the errors...and also cannot see any damage to the screen. They have intimated they believe the errors are being caused by my own internet...or by other 'local issues'...and that the damage was due to the sunlight in my livingroom! They have also told me that I need to do a full factory reset to solve the error messages.


Note, despite myself referencing this forum thread to the John Lewis customer care contact...where a few people note they bought their tv from John Lewis, the contact there claimed nobody at John Lewis is aware of any issues with this TV model, and that it's simply been removed form sale due to the fact a new model has been released.


To say I'm currently unhappy is an understatement...I've also raised this with a Technology Journalist that i noticed had done a review on the model (John Archer), and linked him to the forum thread. John has subsequently advised he is going to investigate the problem, has contacted Sony for an official response...and will look to publish an article in the next few days (so maybe something to keep an eye on there!).


I think i'm at the point now of arranging a county court claim myself...so would definitely be interested to hear any updates from LF69LF on how theirs is going?


Loads my friend I'll update you tonight on what's happening with my case.


Lee Fellows

Found another faulty with this TV yesterday, there was NO sound whatsoever coming from the TV Channels (i tested on two seperate TV Boxes), the sound from the TV beeps was there, but no TV Sound output if using TV Speaker or External Soundbar.


In the end, turned off at the mains and had to restart it.


To say this TV is "far from fit for purpose" is an understatement. SONY should have the book thrown at them over this TV and we should get a FULL refund.


The more we push back and get the press/courts involved the more they will listen!!