Sunny Beach - Bulgaria

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Sunny Beach - Bulgaria

Hiya All


Ive been in Sunny Beach for the past week.  Love it.  Certainly recommend it to everyone!!   Anyone else been?  If so, what you think of the place?


Didnt want to come back :tongue_winking:






Community Team

I've never been, but looks fab.  Not jealous at all... ! :upside_down:

Didn't meet any of these guys did you ?


Looks great, are there many families ?

If it ain't broke don't fix it
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I went via Thomsons Holidays - On the flight on the way there, I though 'oh oh - what have I done' - There was a group of young lads and girls that clearly have been drinking and causing quite a lot of noise on the plane.


However when I got their (well the next day as it was 2am getting there) - The hotel and Sunny beach itself is NOT like it was in the TV shows.  There were loads of all sorts - from young kids, to families and from 20 somethings to OAP's of all nationalities. 


If you stay away from the 'nightclubbing scene' on Flower Street at nights - which has all the girly bars then it really is a lovely place. 


Booked my next Holiday for next year last weekend - Gran Caneria this time.  It was really tempting to go back to Sunny Beach though, as its cheap and I loved it.  But alas chose different scenery this time.


Oh and @cass_n - What better way to enjoy the 'almost' guaranteed nice weather than sitting down at one of the beach bars and having a nice :drink: or two whilst looking over at the beach and Black Sea (not black by the way!) and people watch - a favourite pasttime of mine

Flower Street it is then ! LOL:cool:

If it ain't broke don't fix it