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SE Please Help - Selecting Multiple Recipients (easily) when sending a text?

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SE Please Help - Selecting Multiple Recipients (easily) when sending a text?

Please Please help!

is there anyway of doing this easily? Iprevious phones that i have had you could 'mark' several recipients when going through your phone book.

please Help!!!



Akzeptierte Lösungen
Alter Hase

Have you tried HandCent sms app from the market.  Gives you the option to tick several/do a basic group of starred favorites from phone book.  Its not perfect buts its a great little texting app.

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Alter Hase

Have you tried HandCent sms app from the market.  Gives you the option to tick several/do a basic group of starred favorites from phone book.  Its not perfect buts its a great little texting app.

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Thanks Suze i'll try this.

Seems a pity that it isn't just there though.

Can you also help on how to set up groups within my contacts?

Alter Hase

If you want to set up a basic group in android, go in to phone book select your contact and tap on the star... it will then put a little star beside your contacts name.  Then in handcent on a new message tap the plus sign then select group then tick starred in android. (Not figured out the system group My contacts thing. which is the other option on groups.)

If I find anything more out in my playing/searching I'll let you know!

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thank you ver much suze - you've been a great help today, this is my first smart phone, and i am struggling to find my way round it 🙂

This may sound like a daft question but how do i zoom when taking a pic? 🙂

Alter Hase

On the  x10 (maxi) use the volume rocker on the side of the phone. I dont know on the mini as I've just seen your question on discussions.  There is an app called Vignette that some people like (I'm a bit undecided) and you can zoom on the screen - don't know if that works on X10 mini - free version might be worth a whirl.

Everything is easy when you know how - lol. Glad to have been of assistance, I'm no techy person just a darn good googler and belong to 3 X10 forums cos I was totally out of my depth too, we all ask the same questions when we first get out phones.

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You can send over 100+ sms with  Pro SMS. You can select contact  groups  synced  with Google Contact

Checkout  here: