
3D Glasses Filter

Hi there,

Not sure if there are any Sony mods/reps seeing this but I was wondering if you can tell me how I go about getting hold of some 3D Glasses filters as I'm having an issue with flicker. I've got the TDG-BR250 glasses along with a KDL 46EX723.

Is there any chance of getting hold of some fitlers here? If so is it possible for 2 sets and how much do they cost?

Thanks - J

113 REPLIES 113

I'm presuming the new glasses launched by Sony make the need for additional filters obsolete?

Sony should offer people a chance to upgrade their old glasses for a small fee. There is clearly a design fault with the old glasses. There is far too much flicker and sensitivity to eyes being on a horizontal plane.


My first time here on forum. I have a 60NX723 and as so many other i have a crosstalk problem. Ghosting picture ant text. Contakted Sony support and they send me a 3 pair of those filter. Well, I don´t think they help, at all! Picture is just darker and all old problem i there. I do not know now wath to do. I like my tv prty much but this experience with crosstalk and ghosting i to much for me.I decide now to not watch 3D film and program att all. Better that than get me headake triyng to solve problem.

I'm just astounded, that having grown up with Sony as a quality brand, they are allowing this rubbish to be released in such expensive TVs. How come the other manufacturers seem to be doing such a better job?

Filters lol!! Filters cannot rectify the problem of crosstalk! Come on sony, why dont you come clean?? You knowingly and willingly sold a whole range of tvs not capable of doing 3D correctly..


I have a sony VPL VW90ES and i bought a TDG-BR250 but it didn't work

i was searching on the internet and i realised that i need a filter for this glasses to work

can you tell me where can i find these filters and how can i buy them.


Hi ralbanai,

welcome to Questions & Answers..

ralbanai wrote:

i was searching on the internet and i realised that i need a filter for this glasses to work

can you tell me where can i find these filters and how can i buy them.

Instruction from Sony is designed to help determine the reason why the picture may  not appear in focus or the picture appears with double images ( ghosting  ) or there are outlines around the subject when viewing 3D content & how to request anti distortion filters can be found at the bottom of the correct answer attached to the bottom of the first post HERE

However as you may have missed those I'll attach them here as well..:smileyhappy:


Before proceeding please make sure that the 3DTV and related products are set up and connected correctly.

Because each of the three steps below represents a possible solution to this issue, please check the status of the 3D picture after completing each step.

Please check each of the following steps before moving to the next:

Step 1:

The TV and the 3D product will need several minutes to stabilize when they are first  turned on. Wait a few minutes for the products to synchronize and the 3D image will appear correctly.

Step 2:

To get the correct 3D depth and prevent the double image effect, your head should be level,  eyes need to be even with the horizontal plane, same as the TV set. The  visible light coming from the TV picture is polarized. The 3D Shutter Glasses work together with this polarized light from the TV to produce the 3D picture. 3D is best viewed with your head and eyes level and positioned as near to the horizontal centre line of the screen as possible.

Step 3: ( Most common successful solution )

Change the 3D glasses brightness setting to MEDIUM or LOW. The 3D glasses brightness adjustment can be accessed from the TV OPTIONS menu and the default setting from the factory is set to AUTO. The 3D glasses brightness setting adjusts brightness as seen through the 3D glasses by controlling a combination of the 3D glasses shutter and the panel back light level.

Step 4:

If none of the three steps above resolve your problem, Sony can offer a pair of optional polarizer filters that can be fitted and inserted over the existing lenses in the Sony 3D glasses, these filters may resolve your problem. They will reduce the double image noticed  with the head tilt. They will however make the picture slightly darker,  and some home lightning could appear to flicker when viewed through the glasses. These filters are non-permanent and are easy to install and remove.

Obtain Anti Distortion Filters:

Please contact our Customer Information Centre on 08448466555 for more information and quote KB1155 when talking to an agent..

What a mess. Having to make the picture darker (Step 3) , having hardly no degrees of freedom with heads locked into an uncomfortable horizontal plane for an entire show (Step 2). Did anyone actually test this product by watching a movie all the way through under normal household lighting conditions?


Just saw this thread... Anyone an idea where to get those polarizing filters for the BR250 glasses to improve quality? Brightness issue is no problem since my room is well darkened. I have 4 sets of BR250s but no chance to get the filters here in Austria... Would be nice if you could help me!!!

Thanks a lot in advance, Markus

Message was edited by: mcgundiman

mcgundiman wrote:


Just saw this thread... Anyone an idea where to get those polarizing filters for the BR250 glasses to improve quality? Brightness issue is no problem since my room is well darkened. I have 4 sets of BR250s but no chance to get the filters here in Austria... Would be nice if you could help me!!!

Thanks a lot in advance, Markus

Message was edited by: mcgundiman

Hi mcgundiman,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Sony customers in the UK were instructed to contact Sony support via the contact us telephone number so presuming it is the same for Austria I suggest you try contact details below..

Für Support zu Produkten, die Sie erworben haben, können Sie uns unter der folgenden Nummer anrufen:

(+43)(1)206091786Öffnungszeiten :
Montag bis Freitag 09:00-18:00 (Ortszeit)
Feiertage:  Unser Kontaktcenter ist an nationalen Feiertagen geschlossen.

Thanks, i´ll try the phone number on monday and post feedback....