
Can't receive 5*

My television works perfectly, except for when I try to view 5*. At first, it wasn't too bad - the screen had a bit of interference, like some squares/rectangles that were a few seconds behind the rest of the picture, but the sound was fine. The amount of interference started increasing and it started affecting the sound. Tonight, it's gone worse and the interference was so bad it was unwatchable, and then the signal went completely. After half an hour, it's returned, but there's still interference.

I think it only affects 5*, but then I only watch a limited number of channels.

What's the problem? All my wires appear to be plugged in correctly. I'm in a rented house and don't know what the situation is with the ariel. I know an obvious solution would be to re-tune my TV, but I'll only do that as a last resort. For one thing, there was a small amount of interference before I last re-tuned, and it's just got worse since. The other reason is that I've reordered my channels and it took ages and I don't want to lose the order... So what I really want to know is if there's an obvious answer like a hardware issue, or whether this is a known problem, or one that will fix itself with time? I'm in Oxford, if that makes any difference.

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Hi there,

Are you able to get ITV3, QVC, 5 USA and Quest without any interference. (as they are on the same multiplex)

Generally, if you have a reception problem on a channel, the other channels on that multiplex has the same issues.

Also, try checking the signal quality on the problem channel. This type of problem is normally an aerial lead issue or the aerial itself. I always tell others to get a good quality lead, and not use the free ones supplied. less problems in the end.

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Sods law i think,

ignore what i said. after i posted i thought id try 5star myself  as im also on oxford transmitter. No its not working. all other channels fine. So that channel has a problem.


Thanks for your replies. I've checked some of those other channels and they're not working either, so seems like it is a problem with the multiplex. What am I suppsed to do about this problem?

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Hi there,

other than 5star, all other channels are working for me from the oxford transmitter.  I would replace your aerial lead with another one as a first step, other than that, asking your landlord to get your aerial looked at. Are you getting any signal strenghand quality at all?