W829 Pixelated gaming?

W829 Pixelated gaming?

I've had my 50W829 for about 5 months now, replacing an LG 47LA620V.

I feel like the LG was always better when gaming, the sony seems very pixelated and edges are always very sharp. Even when messing around with the settings I could never fix this issue.


Does anyone else have this issue?


Thank you :slight_smile:


Maybe the PPI ratio between those two is too high? Check the specifications, you might have a lower resolution TV.


Have you tried turning down the Sharpness setting on your TV? Turning it down when gaming can reduce aliasing ( Jagged edges). On my LG I have it all the way down at 15, but on my Sony I find 25 is about right. If you turn it down too far, it will make the image blurry, so you have to find the right balance. 


What are you gaming on?