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Problem with my NWZ-X1060.

Problem with my NWZ-X1060.

Hi Everyone. I have the Sony  NWZ-X1060 32GB. I have owned it for a year and a half now and it has been working great. Apparently it now only seems to play music from the left ear piece. I thought there may have been a problem with the headphones at first but when plugging them into my computer they worked perfectly fine. I even tried a spare set of ear phones on the Sony NWZ-X1060 but only sound from the left ear piece will work. The headphones work perfectly fine on any other device. Does anyone know what may be wrong and how I can solve this problem as the warranty has expired... Any ide if I can renew the warranty or guarantee or how much it will cost to have this fixed. I'm very certain that the hole where the ear pin goes in is infected or maybe loose...

Any answers would be helpful...

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