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AX53 Video File Number Problem


I am experinencing problems with the File Numbering for Videos on my AX53, and wonder if other have experienced it, or whether I have a faulty camera?


I am trying to get the video File Numbers to increment correctly each time a new card, or re-formatted card, is inserted.
However, the file number always resets to 'C0001' and then counts up from there.

This is pretty frustrating, since I now have lots of files with the same file numbering.


According to the manual, the options under menu /setup /media setting /filenumber are 'Series' or 'Reset'.  The camera is set to 'Series'.


I also discovered that if I use the camera to delete a particular video file, the next time I record, the deleted file number will be reused - not ideal!


A partial fix is to open the SD files directly on my PC, and delete them from there. That way, the camera will continue to record correctly incremented File Numbers (and not fill any gaps).


However, it doesn't resolve the problem when I use more that one SD card - each seems to keep its own numbering, again creating duplicates.


It should be very easy to replicate.

Simply insert an SD card in the camera and format it.

Record a few clips & note the highest number (eg C0004);

Reformat the card and record another clip;

It should record the next number (eg C0005), but in my camera the new clip will be C0001


Its a nice camera, but reading other comments here, I am a little concerned that this isn't the only issue, and Sony's support is anything but.

I have reported my problem to Sony early May, but so far no useful reply.


If anyone could let me know their expierences with File Numbering it would be a help.


Many thanks.


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