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*FIXED PLEASE IGNORE* Sony HT-XT3 Soundstage, no OSD with new TV.

After downloading the full .pdf instruction manual I found I'd set Direct Video to "On" which disables the OSD. All sorted now.



When I bought my HT-XT3 it was originally connected to my old Panasonic plasma TV via HDMI 2.0 cables. When I made adjustments to the subwoofer volume, sound field or voice settings using the remote control these displayed on the TV screen the same as the general volume does.

Having just bought a Sony Bravia KD-55XD9305 I find I no longer get any of the above settings displayed on the screen only the main volume adjustment. I find it difficult to see the settings I'm trying to change displayed on the display of the HT-XT3 through the speaker cover in daylight and it's a pain to have to delve deep into settings while trying to watch TV. I really would like to see what I'm doing on the screen again. Have I missed a setting or is this how it is?

Thank you.

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