
Xperia X Compact Can't Update from Android 6 to Android 8 in 2020

I bought a new Xperia X Compact (a docomo version) 1 month ago. when I'm buying it was with the Android 6.0 update. I tried to connect it with Xperia companion many times and tried to update it. but it says the device is up to date and if i try to perform a software repair it pops up an error (like server response or something on the bottom right side of the companion) but i bought a new Xperia XZ1 (week ago) and it was Android 7.0 update. and it updated to android 9.0 update with the xperia companion. to check it was my compute's fault again I connected my xperia x compact and did everything (tried to find an update/tried to software repair) and it says again the same errors. please help me to update my Xperia X Compact to 8.0 update without any root or mods.

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