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Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card


Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card

I just updated to Android 6.0.1 last night and I realized many things has changed. I can't access my apps store on the SD card from Android 5.1.1. I was able to move the apps to the SD card on 5.1.1 to free up some internal memory. The Marshmallow update supposed to have a better feature. It can mount the SD as internal memory provided I have to formated as internal memory. I bee playing around with my phone all day and I realized on the Sony release, they do not have this feature. I been YouTubeing around and found that within 6.0.1 in the settings /storage/SD card sub-menu, there should be 3 options. Eject, Format, and Format to internal memory. That's what I'm missing. Also if u insert the SD card for the first time, it should pop up a notification asking you what to do with the SD card. It didn't ask me. This is a known feature with marshmallow. My phone only have 16g, it won't hold all my apps, that was the reason why I move some apps to SD on Android 5.1.1. So what's going on?

I also factory reset my phone and format my SD again on my computer, it still don't work. It only treats it as a portable storage.

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I don't know this is a bug or not. the reason why it did not move the app to the SD card was because the SD card was over 32G. Since I have a 64G with a total of 59G free. it will not transfer.  So I uploaded my photos, musics and lots of videos to take up 1/2 of the memories. Now I have 29G left, restarted my phone and the apps transfer fine. go figure.

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This is just a work around now, it would really be nice to just have the memory card mounted as internal memories. 

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Hi @UncleSammo,

You're not missing anything. The option to use SD as internal memory is not included in the Xperia devices. It seems that, because SD transfer rates are significantly slower than internal memory, the performance loss was too great and the option was not included.


It seems that other companies have opt out too, such as Samsung and LG.


HI @Cameron
Thanks for your reply. Actually yes I am miss everything. I understand it will not be as fast as the true internal memory, but I don't need the speed. Some of these apps o store on the SD are some games, restaurant apps, yelp, etc. But I want the ability to free up my internal memory. That's the reason why I or other people buy the 16g and have the SD ability to start off with. If that's not the case, why even make a 16g right? I depended on this feature to free up my internal memory.
Some of these apps are very large l. 500m, 1g etc. Since my factory reset, I only installed 50% or less of my apps back. Without the app store on SD feature, there is just no way I have enough memory to install all my necessary apps. So I need to buy a new phone?
Android 5 on my Sony was able to do so and I was very happy. The only problem was every time the app is updated, it moves itself back to internal. I have to move it to SD again. Android 6 supposed to fix this problem. It should stay on SD after each update. Why took it out when u give people the SD card?


Sorry I didn't mean it like that. It was a response to "That's what I'm missing" but the function was never there on the Xperia devices.

Here's some tips for managing your available memory. Try these methods one after the other.

  • Open the notification by dragging the status bar downwards, then tap the notification. The storage menu opens.
  • Move files or apps to the memory card (SD card), if you have one inserted.
  • Move files to a computer (if you no longer need them on your Xperia™ device).
  • Delete files from the internal memory.

To move files from the device memory to the microSD card (if inserted):

  1. Open Settings > Storage
  2. Scroll down to the end of the menu and select Transfer data to SD card.
  3. Select the items (photos, videos and music) you wish to move to the SD card.
  4. Un-select a category if you see the information, that there is not enough memory on the SD card to transfer all files.
  5. Select Transfer to start the transfer to the SD card.

To delete files from the device memory:

  1. Open Settings > Storage > Internal Storage.
  2. Tap a category to select what you want to delete from the device memory.

Depending on the category selected you have different options on how to proceed:

  1. Apps: Selecting Apps will open the Apps menu. Here you can uninstall downloaded applications, if you do not need them anymore.
  2. Pictures, videos: Selecting this option will open the Album application or Google Photos. In these applications you can delete pictures or videos to free device memory.
  3. Audio: If you tap Audio you can see the audio tracks currently stored on your device memory. You can delete tracks using the File Commander or the Music / Walkman application.
  4. Downloads: In this category you can see a list of all files you have downloaded to your Xperia™ phone or tablet. To delete a file just touch and hold it and then tap the trash bin icon in the top right corner.
  5. Cached Data: Applications can aggregate quite huge amounts of cached data while working. If you select this category you can delete all cached data at once. This will not delete any personal data. Deleting the application cache from time to time is highly recommended to free device memory.
  6. Misc.: In this category you can see files and folders which have been created manually on the device memory. To delete a file or folder just tick the checkbox in front of the file or folder name and tap the trash bin icon in the top row. Please be careful while deleting files and folders, as a deleted item cannot be recovered.


it could be possible, but I can not confirm because I do not have a samsung device. However they did brought back the SD card slot for a reason.  There are high demands and people were not happy when they remove it on the Galaxy S6. 

But it was avilable to me at the time when I purchase the Sony Xperia and was one of the reason why a 16G was all I need. Now after a year, I was loving how the way it works and just got an update that killed my needs. does that mean I have to buy a new device if I need all my apps back?  not cool


I understand that you were expecting a new feature from vanilla android marshmallow, but if you had certain amount of apps before the marshmallow update, why is it that you can't have them all after marshmallow, I don't quite understand this part.



Many of my apps are stored on the SD card. Android 5.1.1 allow you to do that and I was loving it because it free up the space on my internal memory. 

after 6.0.1 update, my apps that were stored on SD were not accessable. I can install it again into my intermal memory, but I do not have enough internal memory to install all the apps I need. 

I never said I can not have the apps after the upgrade, my problem is my device is only 16G internal, the apps that I need will take up more then that. 



Thanks for your suggestion, but that's not the work around I'm looking for. I have not files, datas store on my internal. all my datas, pictures, musics are already store on the SD. that's the reason why I purchase a 64G SD to store all my datas. I even change my camera to save picture on the SD card.

Everything on the internal storage are OS, Apps. 16G total space, 4-5 G are taken up by Android. just my apps itself is about 18G, where some are actually large about a 1G.  so the the feature of storing apps on SD is extremely useful. I'm sure that was part of the intention when Sony made this phone with the SD slot. 

I understand it's slower and it's not running in native memory, but Sony should at least leave the feature there. we can choose to use it or not.  but without the feature there, people like me who has been using it before are out of luck. 



If the apps allow transfer to SD you can still do that on Marshmallow.

Go to Settings > Apps > [The app you wish to move] > Storage > Change > SD Card.

You might have to install an app, then move it, then install the next one, move it etc.