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Can no longer add/remove Apps to/from Home Screen


Can no longer add/remove Apps to/from Home Screen

Hi everyone,

So this is a strange one. I can't seem to find any info on the internet about this, thought might give it a shot here.

After I've turned my phone back on, for some reason I can no longer add any Applications to my Home Screen, nor can I remove them..

All Icons that were brought up via 'drag upwards to add to Home Screen' dissapeared leaving only widgets and couple of default icons I had kept.

Whenver I drag application up icon cannot cross the line between 'menu' and 'Add to Home Screen'. Icon goes back down when roughly 1/4th of the icon gets above the mentioned line.

I have tried (because why not) 'Xperia Home -> Clear data' to reset Home screen, it seems that now only available icons I can have are the default ones (Music, Album, Video, Google). 

Downloading and Installing new app does set Icon on Home Screen, however it cannot be removed.

I've done the Touchscreen Test in Diagnostics, I can clear all screen with ease. Did dead pixel test - also fine.

Besides that I don't have any other faults with my phone, but MicroSD  which doesn't hold, instead keeps popping out. I've wraped it in thin layer of paper and just jammed it in there (Maybe 3 months ago). Before 'Home Screen problem' I had removed MicroSD with pincers. That's why phone was off and after turning it back on again this happened.

If you anymore info of any kind I could provide for this issue, I would gladly do.

Also if there is no 'solve' would there be any kind of 'walk around'? Maybe I could add/remove icons from homescreen some other way?


Hi Jonas,

So it looks like I have issues with the touch screen at the top then:


Thanks, I will contact support.


No problem at all!

Best of luck with the repair and if there is anything else I can assist you with, just let me know! Slightly_smiling_Face







 I did a factory reset 12 days ago. Big mistake.

Can't add or remove items from home screen due to the icons not registering as I drop them over the top of the screen. Used to highlight red and... Work. 

Now also my screen is behaving like these diagnostics below. I can't type q or w without getting both at the same time. And I get double a's. 

I'd like to point out that the touchscreen went wonky after a FACTORY RESET. 

Also the Sony companion software is so buggy it crashes when I plug the phone in. Unbelievable. 

[edit] same problems in Safe mode


i have the same isdue with my xa1 since the last update.. top of screen and sides arent working correctly 


I have the same issue. I cannot remove shorcuts on Home screen.

I cannot either use bottom part (Home, Back and active apps button).

Is it true the sreen should be replaced??


This seems to be a more widespread issue than individual screen problems. I have performed all the diagnostic tests on the screen, and they were all fine.  The only shortcuts that can be added are apps that have widgets available (and many apps don't have them), or pre-installed apps. This is very frustrating. I've tried adding from the home screen, long-pressing on the app shortcut in the app-drawer, and from the menu within each app (which doesn't always exist).  This seems to be either an intentional omission of the capability or an unintended oversight which has not yet been corrected. 


Im having the same problem on my xperia z3 dual, im only able to add or remove icons to and from homescreen only when i slingshoot them with speed,otherwise they dont seem to bother. Pretty strange eh!

Would love to go back to normal though.