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Hi, depends on a few things.....for example who are you buying it from. reputable dealer or from some soap dodger
Best way is to fully inspect the box, some network providers seal their boxes but a lot dont, make sure your IMEI Number matches the phone & the number printed on the box, when you register the phone to activate the warranty you should find out if it has been registered before. Also if you contact your local Sony Xperia Care they should clarify/check the IMEI for you......
Overall try not to worry just use your common sense & inspect the goods :smileysmileywink:
I bought my phone on 24.07.2014. Today I register at this site. Check my IMEI and the warranty is only till 19.09.2015. Is that NORMAL or not.?
I ask because my screen didn't work correctly and tomorrow i will go to shop where i bought my phone and give it to waranty. If thats not okey I will confront with them..
You are best to speak with your local Xperia care team using the link provided above as warranty details vary between regions.
The best way to check it would be probably useing the IMEI of the device on a site like once you put in the number you will get basicaly all the info about the device plus specks of it.