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Pulling down the notification bar on the top and hitting the far rightmost icon (users) show me as the owner of the phone.
My problem is that the owner name is my back-up/alternate e-mail. No idea how that happen. I do have a primary gmail account which I used when I set up the phone.
How do I change or edit myself as the owner?
I've tried going into "More Settings" but thats very limited and does not allow me to change owner or change email adress or change the name of the owner accout.
(I do have the option to make a new user, but theres no way of making that new user the owner of the phone as far as I know)
Do I have to factory reset and start all over again?
Thanks in advanced!
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What if you try
settings > accounts > look for the email account > remove it
Hey, thanks for replying viridis!
When i go into that setting, theres not much I can do.
I can add First name and Last name, and add emails.
And if i remove my secondary/alternate email adress, and hit save, it doesnt get removed.
I have no idea why my phone added that email/account and my main/owner. There is nowhere I even typed in that email adress other then set it up as an email on the defalt email application.
My main account is my google account and that account has been added everywhere on my phone...
I wonder if it has to do with MXTP
check under settings > security > myxperia theft protection
I've seen that happening with my Z1, the phone assumed that the first email was the owner and I wasn't able to edit it until I removed it.