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Buenas mi z5 solo lo consigo cargar con Led azul y apagado que no se cuando está carga completa. Para cargarlo tengo que pulsar botón de encendido y botón subir volumen esperar que vibre y unos segundo y sale Led azul y hay lo dejo y entonces carga bien aunque no se ve. Que puede ocurrir.
Good mi z5 I only manage to load with blue Led and off that I do not know when it is full charge. To load it I have to press the power button and volume up button wait vibrate and a few seconds and blue LED comes out and there is left and then loads well but can not be seen. What can happen
Hi @Pikukidog0, sorry to hear about this.
Your post has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
Have you tried using different chargers in order to see if this behaviour persists?
It is recommended to use an original Sony charger and USB cable specifically intended for charging your device. Other chargers may be too weak or too strong as they may have a different electric current rating (mA). It is also recommended that you use a charger that is plugged into a wall socket instead of using a computer (and USB cable) to charge your device.
Another thing that you can try is to restart your phone in safe mode in order to see if the charging works better there. All apps downloaded from Play Store is temporarily deactivated while in safe mode, and by doing this you can see if this behaviour is caused by a downloaded app. For more information on safe mode and how to use it, click here.
Try these measures and let me know how it goes!