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The micro USB port on my z has stopped receiving charge and won't even allow the charger to be plugged into it any more.
The port is uniform in shape which doesn't allow you to know which way round to plug the charger, so you have to guess. Guessing places stress on the pins inside the port. In my case, they seem to have suffered because of this (imho) design fault. USBs can only be inserted one way round, so the user needs to know which way to insert it.
I am wondering if this will be a common weak spot on these phones once they have been in circulation a while?
Solved! Go to Solution.
there are more and more posts now and as this usually happnes after a few months, I think Sony will have to consider that's it is a design flaw. meanwhile, I also use a docking station but had to pay for it.
are you sure you can get a replacement phoe after 28 days? I was lucky because it happened for the second time (and I emailed to a wrong department) but be careful - after 28 days it's up to the provider.
I stick with a docking station and stay away from that bleeding port. I have been so careful the second time (first time too but it got so hot on secondchrage - the mini usb, that is - that it was bent out of shape and didn't fit into the port. the port was also bent, so it didn't take a differnt cable.
second time: was very hot too but not that hot. beats me.
'faulty insertion' - had the same problems twice! once on day 2 and 10 weeks later. I've tocuhed it with kid gloves after the first time (when whilst charging, both port and the micros usb got so hot thatI bunt myself- both port and usb were bent out of shape. maybe you tell me that was my fault too.
anyhow, despite careful handling, it also stopped charging but I was lucky t get a replacment. I just can't believe that youcall tis 'faulty insertion'..
you also got yours from phones4U?
me too! thank god for charging docks!
Glad to see this thread growing - though not glad for people being grossly out of pocket. The USB port is THE most regularly used part of the phone, apart from the screen 🙂 and it should be robust enough to reflect the amount of usage it needs to take.
I hope once this thread reveals how weak the port is, that Sony puts out a redesign (and maybe a product recall???) and refund anyone they have charged to have their phone replaced.
I am one of the lucky ones who got a new phone for free. I do not understand why Sony doesn't treat all customers the same and some are not getting a free replacement though.
Anyone from Sony wish to update us on this growing issue?
I was lucky too - read from a guy who was asked to pay 1/2 the phone price!
this is a design flaw - there's no way around it. I think there needs to be a recall.
there'a a guy on the net (easy to google, don't want to give the name of the company in case they are rubbish) but they gave me an immediate quote for £57.
Haven't had the phone long (end of April 2013) and I originally thought it was my charger so went back to Phones4U and they replaced charger straight away.
Next thing I know is my phone was on charge and took it to Uni, came back and plugged it in to find the little plastic fitting in the middle was in the USB charger.
As i have insurance with Phones4U decided to take it to them and was originally told they would indeed replace it - however next thing I know is someone else in the same branch said it needed to go away for repair whichh I agreed to - then the y have said they have changed their mind and saying I caused physical damage and they won't replace it.
Also said the charging point on the phone is not covered by the insurance I paid either ????
I am going back to Phones4U tomorrow though with backup (parents) and will let you know - taking a copy of this discussion with me as well!
They said the same thing to me, I have the same problem as you...I hope we can get sony to admit that there is problem on the device. So that we dont have to argue with the workshop.
My phone is for repair now, and im arguing with them for a fix.
Having the same issue. Phone less than 30 days old and was bought on contract from O2. They advised to send the phone back special delivery which cost over £7.00. They kept the phone for few days and sent it back "beyond economical repair". I was offered to purchase a new phone at a third of the price. Not likely!
I have been arguing with O2 for most of the evening and also contacted Sony whose official reply was "there are no known issues with the Xperia Z". When I pointed out this thread there was no response. It is also telling (in my opinion) that in some other Countries they are now retailing the Xperia Z with the charging dock. Why if there isn't an issue? This isn't something that is generally provided as standard but usually an add on. I believe you can still charge the Xperia Z with the dock even if the Micro USB port is broken so may have to revert to this if no joy with Sony or O2.
However I am not prepared to give up easily. In my opinion this phone isn't fit for purpose under normal usage. Therefore I am going to make a claim under the Sale of Goods Act 1979. I believe this fault is covered under this law. If you are interested in taking the same route there is a template letter on the Which website specifically relating to faulty mobiles. This needs to be given to the company who sold you the phone and not Sony.
I also have an Apple iPhone 4s and the difference in service between Apple and Sony is stark. Personally I shall not be rushing to ever buy another Sony product.