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Echo problem for the recievers


Echo problem for the recievers

  I bought Sony Xperia Tipo dual one week back. Everything is fine except the call issue.

When I calls somebody or somebody calls me then other person on a call  is facing echo problem with his voice.  I want to mention some additional information -

1. They are not facing this problem with others.

2. I have checked with different service providers and observed the same problem.

3. I have tried by restarting my phone and observed the same issue.

Please let me know, what should I do ?  How long it will take to solve this problem ?

When I googled and found that this problem is with many people those are using Sony Xperia Tipo phones. A phone is exceptionally good other than this issue.




Accepted Solutions


They just buying time even they have told me same .I have given my cell twice and fianlly they havent resolve this issue.

I have strongly asked for replancement with some legacl action and i got repalnce ment but after so many settlements and money deduction which  is also fin loss for me.

But dont west your time and work time ehnce go for replancement

View solution in original post


yah , i had this proplem put when i deactevate the Xloude its solved


What you can do to troubleshoot this is to reinstall the phone software using SUS.

Or, contact your local support team to have your phone examined and fixed at an repair center.


Well i am also having the same echo problem i buyed the mobile on oct 31st from starting i am facing the problem i thought may be as it is a new mobile it is coming like that by using it for some days it may be rectified but it has'nt i contacted customer care they suggested me to go service center today i went there technician saw this and said even few devices of tipo dual has already came with the same problem nd he updated the software even after that also i am having the same problem he is asking me to submit my phone so that they will send the mother board for replacement after seing this forum i think almost all the devices having the same peoblem as a gaint in electronics Company LIKE SONY how can they sell the faulted devices to customers. We will buy the devices by having faith on the company....

And even the techncian as well as customer support executive told me it will take 15 to 21 working days to replace the mother board so i have to give the device to them for nearly 20 days and what i have to use until then should i have to buy new mobile or what should i doo... having faith on the company i buyed this device

Answer me...


As per your suggestion, I went to local support team.  They have inspected my device and came to following conclusion -

They are saying that, they need to change motherboard and it will take 8-10 days or may be 15 days (they will demand for that part and receiving it take some time).

It shows that major defect in your product and it was released without any testing. Mobile devices are meant for calling & receiving call not for only playing games, listening music.

I was feeling proud of Sony when I was using this product on first couple of days after buying it.

However, I came to know echo problem then I was totally shocked and felt guilty for choosing this product and Sony.

I have chosen this product and Sony over other good products of Samsung, Miramax, and Nokia etc. because of strong belief in Sony brands.

I have no more belief in Sony products.

It is so much frustrating to go away from my device for 15 days and losing my all installed stuff.

I would appreciate Sony if you could solve it within 2-3 days or let me know if you have other alternatives for this.

Thank for your prompt support.



They just buying time even they have told me same .I have given my cell twice and fianlly they havent resolve this issue.

I have strongly asked for replancement with some legacl action and i got repalnce ment but after so many settlements and money deduction which  is also fin loss for me.

But dont west your time and work time ehnce go for replancement


Thanks Sameer for your valuable reply.

I would like to know more about replacement option.

Where should I go for replacement? 

How much money they are deducting or charging for replacement?

If they are not able to solve this issue, why they have released this product?

Even their service center is not good. They are servicing all products with Sony.

Therefore number of people coming there and only one person for checking the problem.

One has to wait for 2-3 hours for support.

Sony support team,

I need answer from you, does this problem resolvable or not?

If not, are you giving any replacement?


Ganesh, I know sony is bad..and becoming a worst among the competetors, you can try the below workaround for a while!

Workaround for Sony Tipo