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Lost Backup with Android Gingerbread upgrade

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Lost Backup with Android Gingerbread upgrade

Hi all,

I got the new Anfdroid Gingerbread upgrade last night, but have only just found out that the the back up I ran using the the SE app will not be accessible after running the upgrade!!

Can anyone please let me know if any of the apps on android market can pick up my backup and restore it to my X10, as I've basically now got a phone with no contacts, apps, messages or any data what so ever on it!!! HEEEEELLLLPPP!!!



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Hi, do you know if there is a current link to download the restore and back up? I tried the one on here and it says the link is no longer valid. I called sony ericsson, and they put me onto this thread. Which didnt work Slightly_frowning_Face Would appreciate if anyone has any ideas?!?!?!



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Lots of help here, but when I try to install the apk it says "Not installed" after only a few seconds.


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Same Restore here as well:-(

Can you repost this link? or email me the file pleeeeessse. All my info is lost as well WTF SE????

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i too have the same problem - followed all the steps and the b&r program just says app not installed everytime


No worries mate. try this link.

remember to set the link to answered/solved if it works, buy me  a pint virtually! Have fun...

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i have also lost the backup and restore app. have tried all the links provided for the backup and restore app but although they all download i cannot open any of them once downloaded, you have any other ideas for getting the backup and restore back on phone because i already have the OI file manager.

would i be able to get it from another phone which has not been updated to 2.3.3?


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Hey everyone,

I'm not sure if this has been discussed already... there's plenty of posts, but my problem is that I the Backup and Restore app won't install.

I downloaded the IO File Manager, I downloaded the Backup and Restore app, I placed the app in my SD card under the APK folder but everytime I try to install it, it says "Application not installed." with the Done button on the bottom. I rebooted my phone several times already but the same thing happens.

I have an Xperia x10 and shortly after the upgrade, i got my music and picture/video files back up but not my apps or contacts.

download the backup & restore app from other links