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NO walkman app for xperia tipo


NO walkman app for xperia tipo

i brought xperia tipo 3 week before. but i get surprised when i saw there is no walkman app and the stock player has no equilizer the tipo's tag line in there website"Smarter music inspired by Walkman™".sony didn't kept  there words. can they add this apps on there update? please answer my question...from my first phone i m great fan of sonyericssion but after there partition also i like sony's product thats why i brought this please give me answer guys.............

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its for Xperia V...not Tipo..dont be fake more


Read carefully. It runs on "any rooted ICS". That's is written by 'Rizal Lovins' (OP).
Those app and libraries are ported from Xperia V.

Have you ever rooted phone?

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dear friend Hardware is not for this app..leave it...dont be fool like a sony made you after tipo..wait for Xperia E..n ready for another fool moment


Your wish...

I don't have any problem. I suggested because I've rooted and used custom ROMs on my Galaxy 3.

I am not fooled. I had clear idea about Tipo's capablities. I'm a student and Tipo fulfills all needs. Slightly_smiling_Face

If you think that I'm fooled by Sony then you are too fool to buy Sony device and calling others as fools. Mind your language.

Good luck! Stay foolish. Dizzy_Face

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Well i never purchase any sony product..i come to banne sony...but W app is fake for tipo..n there is no mind for any language..but mind for human only!



as u said i ried to install walkman app....

but its showing same error as i was written......and my phone is not rooted

tell me what i will do now


For installing that app, you've to Root your phone.

I suggest you that wait for a while. There are no proper guides and ROMs for Tipo as it is a new phone.

However you can try on your own, but be careful while doing so. Wrong steps may brick your phone.

Good luck. Slightly_smiling_Face

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