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Can't view my photos after transfer to SD card


Can't view my photos after transfer to SD card


Today installed getting a notification on my xperia z that my internal storage was 75% full, tap to transfer files to SD card. I did so, it was 'successful' but now I can't view my photos in my album.

However when I swipe left and go to folder view I can see images thst were sent to me, but not images I have taken?

I don't know why I trusted the SD card with this phone, this isnt the only problem I've had. I also have issues transferring music to the SD card. I thought I found a solution to that when peoplet on here recommended a rescan app. I rescanned the media on my phone and it deleted all my music. I'm scared to try this for photos I'm case they get deleted too.

Can anyone help please

Sorry to hear that you have issues transferring data to your SD card.

I recommend that you first try to clear the media store in Android from Settings -> Apps -> All -> Media storage -> Clear data -> OK and then restart the phone. This will not delete any of your files. It will only clear the media store so that Android rescans all files.

If you still don't see your pictures i'm afrid there may be something wrong with the SD card you have. Try connecting it to a computer using a card reader and see if your pictures are there. If pictures have been deleted from the SD card you may be able to restore them using a recovery software like Recuva.


Dear Sony Support,

I challenge your claim that this problem may be caused by a faulty SD card as this problem appeard on my Xperia Z last weekend immediateley after I upgraded to Lollipop and did the same transfer of photos to SD (also changed camera settings to store images on SD).

Similar to my previous experience with Sony Mobile support, your suggested solution in you reply simply side steps what appears to be the real issue: the release of Lollipop has been problematic and Sony Mobile seems unable or unwilling to respond in a timely fashioon to correct issues that appear to have been caused by a didgy software release.

Please refer to my complete description of Lollipop related issues below that have affected my previously well behaved Xperia Z:

Same here. Upgraded a few days ago to Lollipop and the troubles began:

1. Unusually high battery drain and high temperature when surfing the web or using GPS

2. Assigned camera storage to SD Card and photos taken since changing that setting have disappeared. Unable to locate the actual .JPG image (blank file Icon) but file name is in album directory

3. Moved 2 Apps to SD Card and now those apps have an exclamation mark Icon. Selecting the App returns message: "App Not Found". Also, looking for App in >Settings>Apps, or in Google Play Store, they do not appear either under 'All', 'Installed', 'SD Card' or 'Running'

4. Phone ringtone is almost inaudible, despite having the setting on full volume

5. Tried creating a new backup of my phone (twice) using PC Companion but it fails when trying to backup the Pictures (maybe because of the problem described in 2 above?).

Sony support has, in the past few years since I bought my Xperia Z, been absolutely hopeless with different company divisions (e.g. Mobile, Playstation, Entertainment Network, etc.) all pointing the finger at each other for responsibility to fix various problems.

I'd like to buy an Xperia Z3+ or Z4 soon despite the above problems, as my Xperia Z has been very good quality (especially in the audio department) but, if the above Lollipop problems perist without some rapid intervention by Sony (whatever Division), I'll seriously consider switching brands next upgrade.


Sorry to hear that you also have issues with your phone.

When pictures are not displayed after transferring them to the SD card this is usually caused by the media store not being updated yet which could take some time. Clearing data for Media Storage and restarting the phone will therefor usually solve this as it forces Android to scan for media.

But if this doesn't help (and since you also have issues with apps and pictures stored directly to the SD card) there might be something wrong with either the phone or memory card. In my experience, it usually turns out to be the card and not the phone but one needs to test the phone and/or card to see where the problem is. Testing the card is usually easier as it can be done using a card reader and a test software like h2testw.

If it turns out to be the phone i recommend that you contact a service location for further investigation and to have this fixed.

We have received some reports of higher battery usage and lower ring volume in threads on these topics and it's of course something we are looking into.


I have the same issue. I transferred all photos and videos to my SD card as received the warning that my internal memory was approaching capacity. Now I cannot see any of the photos or videos transferred, and when I put them onto on pc they just appear as blank files, although each file clearly has data within it as the file sizes remain.

There is nothing wrong with the SD card.

Does anyone have an explanation for this or any method for viewing those image files? These are pictures of my two year old so you can imagine how keen I am to get them back!

Many thanks

I have the same issue. I transferred all photos  to my SD card as received the warning that my internal memory was approaching capacity and now I cannot see any of the photos transferred including from a recent holiday.  It's very frustrating and obviously something Sony need to do something about - tried the 'clear  media' advice but without success.


I have the same issue since upgrading.

Sony please explain what has happened here.


I tried to google and try all the solutions that are on the website to no satification.

Right thought I best solve this myself.

What I have come up with?

Problem, after transferring to SD to free up internally memory not appearing on the companion software or by accessing via MyComputer. So unable to backup or hard to transfer.


go to settings>More...>Media Server Settings>Swipe to Share Media.

Now using your pc go to MyComputer(or This PC)>In Network Location you should see the name of your device Eg Mine was Lt30p.. On your phone you can select access to devce to once or all the time, upto you.

You will now find all your media here and can be copied. Then delete from the phone when done if necessary. hope that helps everyone else


Just had the same problem, OS needed to update so 'moved' lots of photos and video to brand new Kingston 32GB SD card, card is working fine and has several movies already on it. Now can't find anything on the card and they've gone off the phone, this problem (looking at the other posts) has been around for at least a year now but still no solution!  Sony should sort this - Going back to Samsung phone asap


No this happened to me just now,,, i have the Xperia z5 and a 120gb sd card, transfered the photos as it said it was getting low, took half of them and the other half I can't view. Everything is up to date app wise.. The worst thing is I'm abroad at my dad's wedding and I've lost nearly 300 photos of the wedding.. Absolutely fuming