Share your experience!
Today I had the weirdest thing happen with my phone. The keyboard went like full screen, so for example in my text messages, when I went to type something I'd basically get the keyboard and the text I was typing and the send button as opposed to the keybaord, send button and like the messages that I would see.
I changed my keyboard and then changed it back again so I didn't get any screenshots but has anyone had this before? If I've explained this poorly then please let me know and I'll try to re-explain or find screenshots on the net.
Best Regards,
Only once so far.
Hey i seem to have the same problem with you. The keyboard went from half a screen to full screen. Probably after some software update. I didnt quite understand from what you said whether you managed to fix it or not. Im still stuck with a full screen keyboard both in my phones messages and in my facebook messenger app. It getting on my nerves cause you cant even see what the other has written to you cause you are still typing and its taking up your whole screen. Anyways if you did fix it could you tell my what you did i cant seem to be able to fix it from my keyboard settings. Unless im missing something. Thanks
Okay I've fixed the issue. You need to go to your Language and Input settings or the equivalent title should it not be the same.
I then changed my keyboard to an alternative versions (Chinese in my case) and exited to the home page. Then went back and reverted the change to your standard choice. This immediately solved the issue.