Share your experience!
I have searched a lot for a solution, and got nowhere.
Im sorry if this has been covered, but i cant find a resolution, so am posting a new.
I have a Z3, that was working fine 6 months ago, I boxed it up and forgot about it.
Im now trying to set it up for my son to use (1st phone). As expected the battery was flat, so I plugged it in and a few hours later it came to life.
This time though the screen was unresponsive to touch, it looked good, the colours where all bright, but my didgits wernt making it work.
after a bit of interweb searching, I decided to do a system repair. This went well, and the phone restarted, booting up to the welcome screen, great I thought.
but again the touch screen is unresponsive to my fingers. I ran the repair again thinking it may have failed.
I booted the phone back up, hello Welcome screen!! and still my didgits cannot make the phone do anything.
I have spoken to Sony CS, and they will not help as its an old device.
Im hoping there is somone out there on the Web that has come across this issue and managed to fix it, the phone is in perfect condition and id hate to just throw it away.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.
many thanks.
Hi @Oli41, sorry to hear about the touch screen not working.
The Support should definitely have helped you as the device is still a device that we support, both with software (software repair) and hardware, so that's a bit odd, sorry about that.
I'm afraid that there isn't that much I can recommend you to do apart from what you have already tried on your own. The only thing that really comes to mind, which is a long shot is to remove any screen protector on the device, but if it worked fine with it before you boxed it up again, it's most likely not the cause, but it's worth a shot.
If it still doens't work, there is some hardware defect with the touch and the device will need to be examined at an authorized service centre by a trained technician. I'm not very well informed on how you send the device to service in your market, but the Local support team there are very well informed about this and will be able to assist you with this.
Let me know how it goes!