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Lost Backup with Android Gingerbread upgrade

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Lost Backup with Android Gingerbread upgrade

Hi all,

I got the new Anfdroid Gingerbread upgrade last night, but have only just found out that the the back up I ran using the the SE app will not be accessible after running the upgrade!!

Can anyone please let me know if any of the apps on android market can pick up my backup and restore it to my X10, as I've basically now got a phone with no contacts, apps, messages or any data what so ever on it!!! HEEEEELLLLPPP!!!



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I have managed to download the file manager, app, etc etc. not sure how to transfer it to my SD card though...? Not very good with these things, can you point me in the right direction?


* Never mind- Managed to sort it :smileygrin:

Message was edited by: MoliverD

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The Backup and Restore apk file should be placed in the phone's SD card.

You can first download the B&R apk file to your PC and then transfer it to your phone's SD card via the USB cable

Now go to your phones's Settings menu ----> Applications ---> Unknown sources( Select/Tick the box)

Next you will need a file manager to install it.

You can use Astro File Manager

Once you have installed Astro, Launch it
Navigate to the B&R apk file that is on the SD card.

Tap on it once and a pop up menu will appear.
Select Open App Manager ----> Select Install

That's it.

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Thanks very much, managed to restore everything :smileygrin:

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You are welcome.:smileyhappy:

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Did that and it recognised the file and unzipped it but it created the same files as it did when I unzipped it on my PC, 4  files and 4 docs (or something) but no obvious executable. Files are META-INF,  assets, com, net, res, others are AndroidManifest.xml, LICENCE,  NOTICE, classes.dex  and resources.arsc.

I don't have  much time at the moment to deal with this problem hence the delay in replying. Thanks.

ok try to download the apk directly on your X10 not on your computer

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Hi I have followed this link hopefully because i have lost all my data in an upgrade - I have got the apk file and the OI file manager and I can see the back up and restore file but it goes through the installing process and then says - not installed ... any help - my limited tech skills are driving me mad!!

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Hi,  Only just got back to trying to sort this out today. I downloaded the file directly onto the X10 as you suggested and this time it worked OK. It failed to restore all the SMS messages but otherwise OK so the key stuff I really needed is restored. Many thanks for your help.

no problem, make sure you check this other options to backup your phone