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Hi, can you please help me? My Z3 Compact has just started displaying the notification bar by itself, I am trying to use my phone, type messages etc and it just keeps coming down which is making the phone unusable. I've tried re starting it, soft reset and safe mode, it just keeps doing it! Can anyone help please?
I´ve got the same problem. It started 2 days ago. The notification bar and sometimes even the menu (that normally just comes up if you touch the notification bar again) will randomly pub up while useing the touchscreen.
Touchscreen test in diagnostics works fine and no pop ups there. While typing the problem seems to be much worse than while just browsing through screens.
Firmware 23.4.A.1.264
P.S.: Before that problem occured i had trouble for 2-3 days to open up the notification bar at all. Sometimes it would just work after switching the screen off and on again.
P.P.S.: I just tried to repair the firmware with PC Companion. This didn´t solve the problem.
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone may also be experiencing this issue and/or know how to resolve it.
When I'm typing on my Xperia Z3 Compact, or scrolling through pages, the status/notification bar often pulls itself down, so it interrupts me when I'm typing and as you can imagine it's quite frustrating!
Would anyone have any suggestions on what to do to try and eradicate the problem?
My phone started doing this, this morning. No signs of screen damage it has a screen protector on it. Was working fine last night just put it to charge this morning and now the notification bar wont stop dropping down.
Has anyone managed to fix this? Only had the phone around 3 months so would really rather repair then have to buy a new one....
Exactly same problem since this morning... Really annoying!!
How all of you fixed the issue?