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Xperia sola ICS update


Xperia sola ICS update

Why has the "Xperia sola, SI numbers for ICS update" list not been updated for days?

Does Sony actually think they can take weeks to roll out an update and not lose customers? Please study your competition Sony Mobile, because you are already at the brink of death.

When Asus released their ICS upgrade for my tablet (MONTHS ago btw) I got my update within hours, and so did the rest of the world.

Do you realize ICS was released by Google almost a year ago? So not only did you have the guts to release a 2012 phone with an outdated OS from 2010, but then you claim the update began a couple of days before the end of Q3 in a pathetic attempt to cover the fact that you have now failed your promise to release an update before Q3.

Your competitors are discussing Jelly Bean with their customers, and Sony won't even answer their customer's questions regarding release dates for SI numbers so they can get their one year old outdated OS.

Also please have the decency to remove this lie from your website:

"The latest Sony experience upgrade is now available for your Xperia™ smartphone including the latest Android software version." from and all other instances.

Not only is the update not available to everyone, but it's not the latest Android version, so don't lie, be transparent and tell the truth, ICS is an outdated OS.

Since you don't do your market research let me tell you the recipe for not losing your jobs:

- Give transparent answers to your customers, we pay for your salaries

- You should be releasing Jelly Bean right now, don't expect us to thank you for an outdated OS with a very late and slow release.

- Update rollouts should take hours to complete around the world, yes hours, a couple of days at most. Why? Because your competitors do it and we will move to them.

Please step out of the Open Handset Alliance if you're not gonna do your part. This phone is the last opportunity I give Sony after years of buying Sony Ericsson phones exclusively, and I'm sure it's the same way for many of your customers, you are running out of opportunities to do things the right way. Release updates promptly and stop ignoring customers' questions.


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With the Sola being a 2012 phone and ICS being a 2011 OS as far as I'm concerned the Sola has not been updated even once, because it should've come out to the market with ICS out of the box. I will count one update for my phone when they release Jelly Bean for it, however I already lost all faith that they will,

The sad part is that this is a problem that would be very easy for Sony to fix, just give us stock Android, and ditch the stupid laggy skin and crapware, and put all your crapware on the Play Store exclusive for Sony phones, so that any Sony owner who wants to install such crapware can do it if they want. Boom! Everyone is happy and we get nearly inmediate updates and everyone recommends Sony to their friends, and you stay alive and competitive. Unlike now where we are all mad and telling our friends not to buy your crap because of our bad experience with you.

Please tell the ignorant corporate fools running the show who know nothing about Android fans that most of us LOVE your phones, but HATE your software. Leave the SW to Google please, you SUCK at it!

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Why one would want to say that ICS is outdated OS? Because JB has been released? I don't think that this is proper criterion. I would say that outdated OS is an OS that has limited functionality according to existing standards (or somethig like that). So I don't see any reason to say that ICS is outdated OS. Even GB is not outdated according to this criterion. Well, You want the latest, but that's another point. I don't think that latest means the best. I don't consider my Xperia Sola running GB to be in any way inferior product compared to one that is upgraded to ICS. And I ap pretty sure that the upgrade will have rather small impcat on the performace (or to my well-being). So, what's the point of getting mad because of such insignificant issue?

Moreover, I assume that different companies may have different strategies as far as software update is concerned. Some try to apudate their devices as soon as possible, some are a bit more conservative. What's essentially wrong with that? You still have right to choose. Moreover, correct me if I am wrong, but  have heard that Sony is the only company that updated all it's 2011 smartphones ot ICS. Let's be honest at least and give them some credit in that department.


So the hardware and industrial design departments make a great and beautiful hardware perfectly capable of running Jelly Bean and you want to make excuses for the SW department for having a 2012 phone with an OS from 2 years ago, completely ignoring their customer questions regarding release dates and taking weeks to roll out an update when the bar has been set to hours? You clearly don't love Sony because you want to see them giving sub-par support.


I agree: Sony's industrial design is excellent.  I bought a sola towards the end of Q2, because I liked the hardware.  I wanted an ICS device, but the website said it would be available during Q2, so that was OK.  Then the update was pushed to Q3.  We're now in Q4 and it's still not available for my device.

There's a random power bug in the sola, which causes my device's battery life to vary from about 20 hours to roughly 48, with virtually the same usage patterns.  I was hoping the ICS update would resolve this, but I'm yet to find out....

I'm almost certainly going to switch to a Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini (which is shipping with Jelly Bean) as soon as it's available.  I prefer the look of Sony phones, but Samsung seem more committed to keeping up to date with OS releases.

(And yes, there are significant differences between ICS and GB).


Would you care to list those significant features? What you will be able to do on the ICS that you cannot able to do on GB?

As far as I am concerned I ma pretty happy with GB. And when the ICS will be available then, of course, I'll upgrade my phone.


- Disabling applications that you can't uninstall.

- Manage recent applications better and close them without having to go down a bunch of menus

- Install applications that only run on ICS and beyond, like Chrome or Nova Launcher among others

- Syncing chrome bookmarks

- Reisizing widgets which also have more functionality, so better widgets as well

- The complete UI overhaul that ICS was

- Better battery performance

- All the bugs and vulnerabilities that were addressed


Well, no doubt, there are improvements, but I don't consider none of them as significant. They are mostly incremental. And most of them you will not notice. For example, as far as I can tell, there is no considerable difference in battery performance. My wife has Galaxy S2 running ICS. There are some visual changes for better here and there, it runs a bit somoother etc. But nothig revolutionary.


Oh look! It's a Sony representative not answering my questions, or anybody's questions for that matter...oh wait, that's what they always do. I guess for many of us this will be our last Sony phone after several years of unilateral loyalty.

Maybe you guys should call this the "Ignoring Forum" because we don't get to see much support going around here.

you have to wait for it to be approved in your country

this should explain it